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Lisa's Pov

I held Jennie's hand as I watched her peacefully sleeping, I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. I feel like my heart is drowning in emotion that I can’t bring out.

We lost our baby. When the doctor told me they hadn't saved our daughter. I feel like my world collapsed with the extreme pain I feel.
I want to shout and I also want to drown myself in alcohol  because i'm in so much pain but i can't do that, i know  Jennie needs me this time.

I'm afraid of how Jennie will react when she finds out that the child she's carrying is gone.

After a review and sign all the papers that i need to sign yesterday. I fix my things to follow her but i felt scared when her friend Jeongyeon, called me  to inform that they found Jennie unconscious in the restroom and she was bleeding.

We rushed her to the hospital but sad to say that the doctor failed to save our our baby.

The hotel staff also called me earlier and reported that Lara is the one had dragged Jennie to my restroom where she was found unconscious.

I don't know what happened to them inside the restroom and i hate myself because I failed to protect Jennie, but I'm only sure of one thing. She will be responsible for what she did . I will do everything in my power to make her pay for what she did.

I came back from my deep thoughts when I felt that Jennie suddenly moved. " hey you're awake,"  i said as I kissed her hand. She looked at me I gave her a weak smile
as I fixed her hair.

Her gaze shifted to her tummy, and my heart  broke when I saw the fear on her face and her tears unconsciously flowing ..

" where is my baby bump, Lisa .where is our baby." she asked in fear.

"I'm so sorry Jen but we lost her. believe me the doctor did their best to save her, but our baby girl didn't make it." I response sadly and I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

" Please tell me that everything had happened is just a dream ,Lisa. Please wake me up i don't want to stay in this nightmare. Please " she cried.

" i'm sorry Jen, i'm really sorry. " I said as a hug and kiss her.

She suddenly fell silent and was stunned as if she were not in her own self. She just stared at the emptiness without any emotion.

"hey hey love , look at me." i said softly to her as i hold her face. " we can get through it together . i'm just here."

She didn't answer but she just stared at me without any emotion but her tears still flowing.

I wipe it away before,I hugged her tightly. " jen , please , talk to me ."

If I'm hurt by what happened . I can't imagine the pain she's feeling right now, if I could only just change everything I would have done it because it hurts me to see her like this.

It's been two days since we got home from the hospital but jennie's situation is still the same, she doesn't speak. She also don't want to leave our room. She was always looking out the window.

I haven't been able to go to work since she was in the hospital until now that she is already here at home  because I want to take good care of her personally.

Good thing that my father understood my situation he agreed that he would first take my obligation while Jennie's situation is not okay yet.

Yes, my father knows about Jennie. I told him when I found out that Jennie, was pregnant and he was happy for me. And he was also feel sad when i told him that Jennie had a miscarriage.

I also asked the doctor why Jennie became like this. All she said was , Jennie needed emotional support as a mother it was hard for her to lose her child. Perhaps she was having a hard time accepting what had happened.

I also talked to Jisoo the other day. She called Jennie but because of Jennie's condition I answered it for her .

I told her everything that had happened including the loss of our baby and Jennie's situation right now.

She told me all the bad things that happened to Jennie when I left her , About her parents and I can't stop myself to feel guilty because I left her
at the time that she needs me.

As for Lara, she is currently in the care of mental health units. We
discovered that she was mentally ill thats the reason why her actions this past few weeks are so strange that even me can't understand her.
The doctor said that because of stress and problems that her brain could not handle. I was guilty because i feel like the way I treated her these past few weeks is one of the reasons why she became like that .

I feel sorry for her , because somehow we also became good friends but that can't be changed by the fact that she is the reason why Jennie became
is like this and also the reason why we loss of our child. I will never forgive her.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon also came here
Yesterday, but Jennie just ignore them like how she treat me.

When I entered the room I saw that Jennie was holding the ultrasound photo of our child while looking out the window.

I also want to mourn, to be emotional at the loss of our child because I was also hurt by what happened, there was never a day that I didn’t think of our baby but I tried my best to be strong, because i know that it wouldn't help Jennie's situation if she will see that i am also weak.

"hi !!! here's your food." I told her as I put her food next to her.

I kissed her on the forehead before I fix her hair.
" you need to eat more for today . because i really try my best to cook your favorite."

I took a small amount of food and feed it to her . I can't help but smile when she immediately open her mouth. I'm still grateful even though she's like this, i'm not having a hard time feeding her.

"You know what . I talked to Jisoo yesterday, they really missed you . I promise you ,  if you're already okay. We'll go on vacation to Korea so you can meet your friends ." I told her enthusiastically but I still didn't get any response.

I put back the plate on the side table and hold her hands.

" Love, please help yourself to be better. I'm still here i'm waiting for you. I can't do this alone ,please help me" I told her .

She looked away and turned her gaze into the window. I secretly wipe my tears away.

She is in tears but she wiped them away immediately.

I was surprised because this was the first time she did that. She usually just lets her tears flow .

With a slight change in her demeanor. I felt hopeful that she would soon return to normal

I know that the right time will come when everything will be ok, I will not give up this time. I will not leave her no matter what happens. My thoughts.

Love Again ( Completed )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon