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Jennie's Pov.

"good morning my little bump, how are you there?  You're ok. right?" I whisper as I gently touched my tummy.

I turned my attention to my phone when it suddenly rang. I smiled when I saw that it was Jisoo's calling.

I haven't talked to them in a long time only then i noticed so much i miss them. "hey, you're still alive, how are you there?" she said when I answered her call. "hi jen! how are you." i heard rosie say

"hey guys,  sorry i've been busy for the past few  months, how about you guys,how are you?" I asked them.

"We're fine here. We missed you so much Jen, What's the news? How's your work.?"

They don't know my situation yet and I think it's time for them to find out .

" i stopped working for the meantime because the doctor said, i need to avoid stress and also i'm not allowed to do tedious work for the safety of the child I am carrying." my casual answer.

They suddenly fell silent on the other line. "Guys, are you still there?" I ask .

"wait wait. What the heck is happening!!! Did we hear it right ? you're pregnant?" Rosie asked .

"yup, I almost had a miscarriage It's a good thing that I was taken to the hospital right away, don't worry, me and the baby is already safe ." I assured them.

"Why didn't you tell us, we didn't even know you had a boyfriend. You've only been there for a few months and now you're telling us that you're pregnant? wow just Wow Jen." said  sarcastically.

" me myself didn't expect this blessing."

"You don't mean what? So you're telling us , that you had sex with a man without any protection
and then you didn't expect to get pregnant? What a lame excuse, Jennie . And who is the father of the child you are carrying" jisoo said i know she's already annoyed.

"Just calm down, we're both drunk that night. We don't remember anything  that's why i said that we didn't expect it and it's not a man who got me pregnant. It's Lisa ." I explained.

" wait, can you please enlighten us .We don't get it. You mean Lisa ? your neighbor slash secret lover way back in college? Are you fooling us? how come  she got you pregnant using her finger. but rosie didn't get pregnant by me. Come on our sex life is active ,jen . Please explain " Jisoo asked sarcastically.
" Jisoo.. Stop that." I heard rose scold her. I can't help but giggle .

'Wait did i heard it right ? she said that Lisa is my secret lover wayback in college. Nevermind!! i don't care anymore .' my thoughts.

"Lisa is intersex, and when we went to the bar a night before I left the country, we just woke up both naked in the same room." I explain to them.

" what the fuck, Jennie . Are you serious ,She's an intersex ? you're both naked in the same and you didn't expect something happened?" Jisoo said . 

Our conversation ended with both of them unable to believe at what I said. I told them everything.  I also didn't expect when they said they knew that lisa and I had a relationship back then.

As I was fixing Lisa's bed when The door suddenly opened and I was surprised when Lisa came in with a try of food.

"hi! you're here." I asked in surprise because I thought she didn't come home.

"yup, Good morning, I'm sorry I didn't join you for dinner last night. I just finished a lot of work at the office and When I came home you're already asleep." She explained before she put the try on the side table.

"good morning too. I just thought you weren't coming home, auntie Sam mentioned that you rarely come home here." I answered her before I sat back in bed.

She came near and sat down next to me. "Jen ,I was serious when I said I wanted to take care of you and monitor your pregnancy. I can only do that if I come home here." she said on her soft voice My heart seemed to melt as I listened to what she was saying.

I just stared at her, her face that i really admire even before.

" did i pass your quality check?" She ask while wiggling her eyebrows

I smile unconsciously remembering that she also told me that before. " I'm sorry . " i said shyly

She pinched my nose . " And now you're blushing , i know your member something when i said that. " she's teasing me. " anyway. How are you here? Is everything okay?" she suddenly changed the topic when she felt that I felt awkward with what she said.

" i'm Good " I respond shortly

" good to hear, ammmm , can I touch your tummy?" she bluntly said. 

I was not prepared by her sudden request I dont know what to say so I just nodded.

I was startled when she suddenly approached and touched my tummy and she brought her face closer. "hey you little one, you're okay there? I'm your dada. Can't wait to see you." she whispered as she gently caressing my tummy.

I couldn't stop my tears from falling which I immediately wiped away. I hate this pregnancy hormones . I can't stop myself from being emotional most of the time.

"Would you like something to eat for your cravings? i'll buy it for you." she asked  . " I'll just go to the office later but I'll make sure I can join you for dinner." She added.

"Thank you but I'm fine. There's still a lot of stock food in the kitchen." I replied.

"okay, I'll just leave my number so that if you need anything you can call me anytime. For now i need to go , i'll just see you later and this is your breakfast you need to eat this now because i want you to eat your meal on time. " She said .

I don't know what's happening to me  but i badly want to hug her, but I'm so shy to tell her. I feel like I'm going to cry when she leaves that I can't hug her.

"do you need something else?" she asked. I look down and played  my fingers and shook my head.

"hey, tell me, what do you want? The doctor says you can't be stressed and I don't want to leave you like that. Now tell me." she said simply said as she lifted my cheek so that our eyes would met.

"I want to hug you." I said softly. in my extreme embarrassment I averted my eyes.

"You don't have to be shy of me. I already asked the doctor what I could do to help you and she said the pregnant woman is having a hard time dealing with her pregnancy hormones so I understand  , all I want is for you to tell me. I don't want you to deal with this alone , am i clear.? "
I just nodded to her . 

She wrapped her arm around me, i was surprised at the sudden interaction of our body.

" if you want a hug I'll give you a  hug." She said as she tightened her hug and I  hugged her  back .

God! This hug makes me feel better

"thank you lisa." I replied. I felt her kiss me on the forehead before she broke the hug.

AN . sorry for the late update. I enjoyed reading someone else's FF story . I almost forgot that I also need to update . 😅😅. have a good day.💗

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