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Jennie's Pov

" How are you there? does she really  take care of you?" Nayeon asked on the other line.

"I have nothing to complain about her ,taking care of me." I casually said

I'm just confused sometimes . My thoughts

"nothing to say because.?" she ask.

" she made my life comfortable." i answer .

"It's good then. Now tell me did the two of you get back together?" she asked.

"what, no. She's just doing it for the baby I'm carrying." I replied.

" i bet she still love you."

"You know what Nayeon, whatever, Lisa and I have in the past. It's already over. We were both able to move on and she already has girlfriend, I don't want to ruin the relationship they have just because lisa accidentally got me pregnant . " my defense.

"ohh, about that. Jeongyeon mentioned to me that you are the hot topic of the employees at the Hotel." I'm not surprise with what she said.

I already expect that I'm going to be the center of gossip, after Lisa shouted outside her office that  she got me pregnant.

"Jeongyen said, lisa's so-called girlfriend always goes there but lisa always pushes her away." she added.

Nayeon and I ended our conversation. I felt guilty even if that woman’s behavior was bad she didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I feel like I'm the reason why their relationship came to that.

I have been living here at lisa's house for two months. I am 18 weeks pregnant in the next  day we will know the gender of our baby.

I'm happy, super happy but sometimes I get confused about our situation. I become so honest with her I tell her everything I want .

I have never been picky about the food i eat. It’s just weird because I’m always longing for Lisa’s presence, And she knows that.

I want to hug her always and smell her scent. ‘yes’ I freely do that because she lets me.

We also sleep in the same room because I'm more comfortable sleeping next to her. We never talk about our past , no one dared to open that topic.

The only topic we always had, was about what happened in day and about our baby.

We are both excited for our baby to come out. We also talked about the names of our baby.

If it's a girl, we'll name her Ella. If it's a boy, we'll name him Lucas. Why?  Lisa  doesn't want our kids having trouble on writing a long names. that's why .

I came back from deep thought as the bedroom door opened and Lisa came in .

I want to scold her because she came home late, I'm annoyed but I really need to control my anger because I have no rights.

"Hi, how was your day?" I asked calmly.

She put her stuff on the couch before she smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. I wanted to hug her but i'm not in the mood.

"same as usual, it's tiring but I'm okay. I'm sorry if I didn't make it for dinner, too much work." she explained before she leveled my tummy.

"hello, my little one. please hold on for us, okay? We love you." she said while gently caressing my tummy before she kissed it.

She always does it and the scene melts heart as she does that. She looked at me and smiled. " how is your day ." she asked.

"I'm already bored here." I replied.

"Don't worry. When the doctor says that the baby's condition is good, we'll take you to a place you want but for now, we need to be careful for our baby. Okay ?" i just nodded.

"I'll take a bath first." she said kissing my forehead and went to the bathroom.

I was deep in thought again when I felt Lisa crawling into bed. I looked at her, i'm still worried about what Nayeon said earlier. I wanted to ask Lisa about Lara but I was hesitant.

" let's sleep ." she said before she opened her arms to welcome me. I approached and hugged her  .

Weird but this is the scenario that always happens to us before we go to sleep.


She just "mmmh." in response, I'm nervous but I really want to know if Lara knows our situation. I took a deep breath before I let go of her hug.

"about Lara." she frowned. "what about her?" she looked confused.

"hmmmh. I just want to know if she knows about my pregnancy and if she knows that  I live here in your place?"

"Why should I tell her? She doesn't need to know." she replied casually.

She doesn't want Lara to know about our situation because it might ruin their relationship? I feel guilty because what we're doing now seems like we are cheating.

"hey what's wrong." she asked worriedly, probably because of my sudden silence.

"Nothing." I told her before I lay down with my back facing her.

I don't know why but I feel hurt every time I think that I will be the cause of their fight when Lara finds out about us.

"my God, don't tell me you're one of those people who think that Lara,  is my girlfriend?"
I was  stunned when I heard what Lisa said.

'What does she mean?' my thoughts.

She turned me to face her and she fixed my hair. "you want me to explain?" she asked me and I  nodded eagerly.

"I had a weird relationship with Lara before. I met her at the bar, she works there as an entertainer. We became friends until something happened to us. I want her to be my girlfriend but she doesn't want to. I respect that because she doesn't want a commitment. "

I just stared at her while waiting for what she would say next.

"We became close to each other and I will admit we had sex from time to time , for the second time I asked her if she could be my girlfriend, and she rejected me again . We have settled into being friends with benefits. Until the time that I found out that aside from me, she has another sex partner. That's when I decided to stop having sex with her but our friendship remained the same. She always try to seduce me but I never bit into her trap. I let her do what she wanted. I even let her stay in one of the VIP rooms of the hotel, because somehow she also became a good friend of mine and that I am guilty to the part that I also used her so many times for my pleasure. " she explained.

I feel relieved because of what she said.

"We became the center of gossip in the hotel ,  everyone thinks we have a relationship because I let her do what she wants. I also fired a lot of people because of her but when she humiliated you in front of a lot of people, I cut everything we have
because i won't let anyone do that do you not even her."

She took my hands, I didn’t know how I would react to all the information she said.

"So stop thinking negatively okay? The important thing is what we have  and what our family will be." I looked at her.

"You mean, it's not just about the baby?" I ask .

"silly !! Okay, I'll admit. I used the baby so you couldn't escape me this time. Dont get me wrong , i love our child so much and I'm also doing this to give her/him a complete family  that he/she deserves."  she said.

I hugged her tight, I want to open the topic about our past , but i don't want to ruin this moment.

"thank you Lisa."
I told her I felt her kiss me on the forehead as she caressed my back.

"I should be the one to say thank you for staying with me." her reply.

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