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Jennie's Pov

"Jen, please turn off you're alarm." I woke up because Lisa keep on shaking my body using her elbow. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was hugging her from behind.

I got up to turn off my alarm before I looked at Lisa again, even me, I can’t explain how we settled in this situation.

As far as I know, i agreed that she can hang out here anytime she wants, but I didn't expect that we would get to the point where she would sleep here every night.

It's Monday and since  Friday night, she slept here in my apartment , she really sleep here every night.

I don't know why I agreed to what she wanted but I let her, maybe because I wanted her to be with me? I don't make it obvious to her but I feel an inexplicable feeling when she's here.

It's already 3 nights that we sleep together here in my Unit and I feel like it's already normal for us  to be in hugging position when we wake up in the morning .

Nothing happened, what we usually do is we put a pillow as our barrier  but when we woke up in the morning all the pillows were on the floor.

I am no longer shy of her because I feel like I'm used to her teasing me. What i'm curious about is  her mysterious side, it's like she's hiding something that I don't know .

Yesterday I talked to my parents. They made me understand what had happened to them, my father is famous in business  here in seoul and until now I can't believe I'm his sole heir.

I also found out that my mother was forced to stay away from my dad  because of her status in life, my grandfather threatened her that he would kill her if she did not stay away from my dad.

And my father didn't know that, he just found out what really happened when my grandfather died.

They still love each other so they decided to continue their love affair. I am genuinely happy for them.

There are so many things that my father wants to change for me.  He wanted me to move out from my old apartment because he want to buy a new and expensive apartment for me. He want to bought me a car and gave me his black card but I refused all that.

I am content with the life I have and I want my life to be normal so I begged him not to make it public that I was his daughter until i'm already graduated.

I am happy because my parents respect my decision, even though my dad really want to introduce me as his daughter in public i'm glad that he understands and aproved what i want to happend.

I came back from deep thought when suddenly my alarm rang again. "Lisa, wake up, you also need to get ready for school " I told her as I shook her body.

I was surprised when she suddenly grabbed me and pulled me causing me to fall on her chest. We looked at each other and suddenly my eyes widened as she kissed me.

I felt her lips move so I closed my eyes and responded to her kiss. I don't know, but I feel like I'm used to kissing her. I can follow the movement of her lips, as if our lips are carved perfectly for each other.

Our lips parted and the two of us stared at each other again as we both chased our breath. God my heartbeat is racing  because I seemed to melt under her gaze . I suddenly got up and go to the bathroom without saying any words.

"This is the feeling of a kiss." I smiled as I felt my lips , I could still feel the traces of her kiss.

I came back to my senses when i heard my bedroom door close. I shook my head to get Lisa out of my mind and started to ready to go to school.

"jen !!! Hello you're okay? we're here in front of you but it seems like your mind isn't here."
Jisoo suddenly spoke as she snap her fingers in front of my face. "sorry guys, I'm just thinking about what happened the other day." I replied.

"why aren't you happy that your family is complete?" Irene asked worriedly. I told them about my father.

Except for the part that I am an sole heir of a well -known company, because I don't want them to treat me differently.

But that's not what's on my mind right now, it's Lisa, and the heartfelt kiss we shared earlier. When I came out of the bathroom, she was no longer in my room.

We met earlier here inside the school but as we agreed, she ignored me and I ignored her too.

I just smiled at my friends because I didn't know what to answer.  We were walking towards the school gate when I noticed Lisa together with her fellow dance club member.

I tried to focus my attention on my phone again like i always do.  I don't want  My friends to notice that I'm annoyed to see women flirting with Lisa, even though I can see that Lisa isn't interested in them. I still can't control my annoyance.

She kissed me, I know that wasn't the first time we did that because she told me that I kissed her the night I got drunk but that kissed earlier! That's the kiss I feel I won't get bored of.

Lisa is a good kisser and i can attest to that, i don't know if what we did was right or wrong but i want to do that if i had a chance to do it again.

I don't know what will happen to us after that kiss but I hope she doesn't change her treatment of me, I will be hurt if she will totally ignore me.

"Let's drink guys." the three of them turned when they heard what I said.

Rosie approached me and felt my forehead with her palm, while Jisoo and Irene looked at me obviously confused by what they heard.

"You don't have a fever jen." Rosie said. "Why don't you want it? Aren't you always asking me to drink with you. Why is it now that i'm the one who is inviting you guys . Feels like you're not interested." I told them.

"we know. but in our four years of friendship you never drink. are you that upset with your father ?" Irene asked.

"No more questions guys. I will only ask you once. I will treat you to the bar near my place." I said to them and I saw the excitement on their faces.

They always want to hang out at the bar but they always end up canceling their plan because they said the drinks at the bar are a bit expensive so they just choose to drink in their apartment.

I am good at handling money so I save a lot from the allowance my mother gives me and I knew I could get them a drink at the bar even just for tonight.

I want to drink because i want to have the courage to face Lisa, just in case she sleeps  in my unit later.

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