Poland's life

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4/10 until my new book <3
It still has all the same characters and ships in the sequel, it's basically a part two with another type of disaster.. experiment 3~

What do you guys think of my books by the way?

The best song to listen during while reading this is sky fall by Adele lmao (don't have to, I listened to it while writing it)

Germany widened his eyes when he woke up and saw Poland bleeding out on the head.
'P-Polen!' Germany crawled to Poland, still feeling dizzy after being knocked out by a literal chair.
'Not so fast!' JE pulled Germany back, Germany kicked around and FI held the German still. 'You think you are a escape artist huh? Well... because of that.. Poland might as well die right now.'

'NEIN!! BITEE NEIN!!' Germany cried out and JE shushed Germany while stroking his wing in the sensitive spot. Germany whimpered from the pain and the thought of Poland dying. 'STOP! STOP IT! BITTE!' Germany kept thrashing uselessly around until he got slapped hardly. 'AUGH!' Germany let out.

'Shut it my child.' TR spat, 'You need to accept it, this is your life. With us.' TR whispered to Germany before kicking the Polish awake.

'???' Poland let out before being stabbed in the stomach. Poland gasped and screamed in agony before trying to push TR away but failed.

'N-n-no! This got to be a dream! POLEN!!' Germany was crying at this point, Poland held his stomach in pain. 'YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!' Germany yelled angrily before riled up his magic and smashing it on the ground from anger, angry tears flooded his eyesight. It didn't matter. FI and JE let go of Germany from the vibration his magic has cost. Germany's halo was out and his wings were on fire.

Poland stared at Germany, he couldn't tell what was going on, his eyes were getting heavier, he could only focus on staying awake. Was this his end?

'YOU TOOK IT TOO DAMN FAR "VATER"!' Germany fled to TR full speed, smashing TR to the wall. Germany punched TR in the face with his magic, giving a nosebleed to TR. 'THIS IS FOR KILLING MY DAD!' Germany took his halo and slashed TR's leg with it. 'THAT IS FOR SEPARATING ME FROM AH WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH THE TWINS!' Germany yelled further and kept walking TR with his halo before burning TR with his wings. TR pushed Germany off, which angered him more.

TR was surprised, he suddenly had no power over his own body.

Germany could be out of control not only because of Reich, he could also be out of control by himself. Germany growled and threw his magic aggressively at TR like a 15 year old guy at dodgeball.
'THAT IS FOR ALL THE CRAPPY EXPERIMENTS YOU HAVE DONE TO ME!' Germany lifted TR by the neck, 'Who is the struggling one now?' Germany laughed sadistically, Germany then realized what he just said and shut up for a second. He could hear JE and FI running after Germany to stop him. He made a barrier trapping the two. 'SILENCE YOU MONSTERS!' Germany commanded and slammed TR against a wall.

'And that's.. for everything else.' Germany used his magic and punched TR's chest, getting his dark magic in TR's veins. He screamed in pain and thrashed around, Germany felt sick seeing his uncle like that and let go of him. Germany breathed tiredly before ruling up and magic one last time and mixing it with his halo before flinging it at TR. That's it.. that's over for TR.

He deactivated his magic, freeing FI and JE from their barriers, but they stayed there for their own safety, not the best to bother the German. Germany left TR bleeding out (as he should) and ran over to Poland.
'Polen!' He cried while hugging the Polish. Poland was basically lifeless. Soon the doors outside the house burst open. Hell was there.

'DOWN HERE! HELP! POLAND IS DYING!!' Germany shouted on the top of his lung and held the knife in place to prevent blood loss (kids, if you ever get stabbed don't remove the knife or else you'll die from blood loss, trust me on this one!).

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