Sprinkle of GERPOL ✨

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Some Gerpol for you guys since it's in my hashtags lol

Poland was at His house when he saw a girl with a kimono and a katana from Germany's window, he ignored it and went back to do his homework when be got bored and decided to call Czechia over.
'Wanna come over?'
'Sure Polsko, so I bring anything?'
'Kk on my way.'

In five minutes a knock was on the door and Czechia stepped inside.
They did the homework together, played UNO, MINECRAFT AND ROBLOX before chatting for hours. Czechia looked out the window to see UN walking around Germany's house and called Poland over.
'POLSKO! Look!' Poland rushed over to look outside and oh boy that was suspicious.

'Maybe another attack.' He whispered quiet enough for Czechia not to hear. 'I'm going to go to the bathroom, do whatever you want.' Poland left to go to the bathroom.

Czechia grinned and looked around his desk until he saw a small notebook, he opened it to realize it was Poland's diary. He read through the pages and saw a page that got his eyes glued to it. Some tea~~

POLAND HAS A CRUSH ON GERMANY!! Oh boy Poland is so screwed now (by Czechia's slightly annoying skill). Czechia closed the diary since he wasn't a curious person and didn't want to risk reading some TR trauma.

Poland arrived back at from the bathroom. He saw Czechia's smirk and he went closer to Poland.
'Somebody got a crush~' he teased Poland being the best friend he is. Poland blushed at the thought of Germany.
'I won't tell him, I'm not evil.' Czechia said, seeming chill for a split second before turning back to Polish.

'Well.. I was wondering if I could ask him out..  can you help me??' Poland asked the Czech, who put down his eyepatch to remove his fake glass eye for comfort before putting the eyepatch back on.
'Sure, I mean after all YOURE my best friend.'

(Also by the way Czechia shipped them a long time ago anyway!!)
They started to discuss the plan, it felt slightly awkward to ask your own best friend for advice but Czechia was cool about it, he was the type of person to discuss murder with and he couldn't even care.

'And that's how you do it!' Czechia said, 'if he says no I will come in the middle and say it was a joke.' He paused for a bit 'that though had a 0.1% chance of happening, he so will like you back!' He finished his sentence before putting Poland's back. Czechia had to jump a little since he was shorter.

'Thanks Czechia, I don't know what I would do without you, should I do it today or tomorrow?'

'I guess today??' He replied before getting a message. 'ITS BEEN FIVE HOURS? PRAHA YOU BETTER NOT THROW MY LAPTOP OUT THE WINDOW AGAIN! Bye Polen!!' He jumped out the window and landed just fine, experience with Prague I guess.

He started to make options on how to ask out
Germany and picked up his phone. He hesitated before calling.
'Hi Niemcy! Do you wanna meet up at the picnic tables tomorrow, I have something to tell you.'
'Hallo! Ja sure!'
'Okays that's all, see you then!'
'See you!'
He hanged up the call and started to be more nervous, he doesn't seem like the guy that has any feelings but Czechia gave him a nice boost already, and he called Germany, he can't turn back anymore.

Poland brushed his wings a little before sleeping to take his mind off things.

-meanwhile at UN, NATO and EU (+ASEAN)

'I got a report about Germany being attacked by the axis.'
'WAIT WHAT? JE? OH NO SHE HURT CHINA, KOREA AND TAIWAN!!' ASEAN said shocked and in panic.
'They seem after Germany not Asia or Southeast Asia. Don't worry.'
'So you just need to discuss opinions on what to do? Find out what they want from Germany, make sure they don't get that and it's over.'

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