A haunting

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Germany was summoned, where? Where was he? He was confused but he saw the figure above him.
'Who was the hell are you?'
'Don't have to know, I am your summoner.'
'Well guess what, get scammed!' Germany yelled, he was going to leave until the figure pinned him down.

'I chose to summon you for a reason. I know you are the most powerful.'

'And? Leave me alone!!'

'Why did you agree for the summoning?'

'To escape the axis.' Germany relied and tried to get up but was held back. Another figure entered the room.

'Is that the German?'  The figure pinning him down nodded. 'Take care of him, don't be so harsh. Just make sure he doesn't know who we are.' The second figure said, the figure pinning Germany down let go of him as soon as she squirmed from the grip.

'How could you struggle? I thought you were the most powerful?'

'I don't like using my power, I'm scared to infect somebody and I've done it before.' Germany replied before going in a corner to stay away, 'please just leave me.' Germany asked.

'You are the most polite demon I've seen.. That can also, well.. speak.'

'No shit Sherlock, I have an IQ of 169.' Germany scoffed. 'Look, I came here to escape a salt situation.'

'Can you do me a favor?'

'Well I'm meant to be freed and you summoned me and I can't leave unless I fill it so.. yes.'

The second figure arrived with some water, Germany accepted it and spilled a small drop on his hand to make sure there was no holy stuff against him in it, luckily I was only a glass of water.
'Why did you summon me?!'
'We want you to remove someone's energy.. entirely.'


The figure gave the demon a paper.

Name: Y/N

'Yn? But why?'
'No questions, now go.' They opened the window and Germany easily left with the paper. Germany wasn't sure how summoning works, where even was he?'he saw the school from a huge distance and flew towards it.

Austria checked up on Yn under EU's pressure,
'She is alive but not awake yet.. I hope Germany can help. Knowing how good Germany is he will escape from his summoner and on the way here.' A knock followed, UN opened it to see Germany, he wasn't in the best state, he was still injured from the 3 vs 1. 'Germany!' Austria hugged Germany and Germany picked up the smaller country to embrace the hug.

'How is my little sister doing?' Germany rubbed her head and Austria giggled.
'I'm good, you?'
'Well I mean my state is your answer.' Germany sassed, 'How is Yn?'

'I- uh well.' Austria explained the thing Germany made when he was five, Germany was surprised how Austria still kept it but followed Austria to Yn. Germany activated his power slowly and placed it on Yn, he took his halo on infect mode and transferred his own energy to Yn, making Germany more tired and sloppy at his work but it had to work.

Yn was finally slightly awake, just extremely tired but then remembered his task.
'Austria can you help?'
'Yeah how?'
'I got summoned and got a task to kill Y/n, how do cancel it?'
'I can help... get the flame.' Germany put the purple flame in his hand and Austria did a ritual that lasted five minutes before it was her holding the flame.

'I, Austria. Professional I summoning cancel this request.' And then squished the flame. Germany felt a relief as he wasn't having blurry vision anymore from the voices telling him to kill her on repeat.
'Oh thank goodness I thought I was going to die.' Germany sighed relieved and NATO came back to see Germany.

1945 (Countryhumans, has Gerpol)Where stories live. Discover now