"Escape Artist"

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3/10 books until my new book starts~~~
Germany and Poland failed escape artist time :)))

Germany and Poland opened their eyes, they were tied to each other.
'What the hell?' Poland said while trying to move his arm, it didn't work.

'Polen? Where are we?'
'How am I supposed to know? I just woke up like you. What's important is that we have to get out.' Poland said while trying to loosen the ropes.

'Are Holy people fire proof like us Germans?'
'I highly.. doubt that.'
'Awww I wish then I could set the ropes on fire but then you would set on fire.' If Poland could do a head turn he would but.. yeah no he can't. 'Anyway.. we need to get out. We should start by getting up, how about we count to three and on three we jump up so we will be standing instead of sitting?' Poland let out a small "yes".

'1...2...3!' They jumped up and catches themselves on the ground they were now standing. The door opened, TR entered the room with a knife. 'TR what the frick?' Poland let out before TR threw the knife towards Poland, Germany pushed forward to help Poland doge the knife, Germany landed straight on his face with a painful grunt. 'Niemcy! Are you okay?' Germany let out a small "mmhmm".

'Germany.. we knew you weren't actually going to join. You think we are idiots?' TR flipped Germany over and Germany refused to take one look at TR. TR slapped Germany before caressing his cheeks to force Germany to look at TR. 'You look into people's eyes when talking!' TR scolded Germany.

'Fick dich.' Germany replied, 'Why tie us together?'

'I thought it would be a great idea to see Polen die infront of you two.. but I guess I'll give him some more time to live to say your last goodbyes~' TR took the knife from the wall and tied up the two separately. 'Mind if I borrow you Germany? Oh wait.. you have no choice, I'm in charge here.' Germany set his wings on fire to burn the ropes and moved to the left so R would miss taking him. Germany stood up and freed his hand.

'LEAVE. ME. ALONE. Haven't you had enough already??' Germany asked aggressively, TR's magic wasn't taking it well and tried to attack Germany, Germany since Reich wasn't around anymore simply took a step right so TR landed straight on the face. 'No, my answer is no.'

'What if I bargain?' TR said, 'I'll give you three days instead of one with Poland. Actually, I'll kill him right now if you refuse.' Germany was about to refuse when TR grabbed Poland and pressed the knife up his throat. Poland thrashed around but it did no work.

'F-FINE!' Germany said, TR let go of Poland who dropped onto the ground.

'NIEMCY NIE!' It was too late, Germany left to go with TR. 'I'll get us out of here.' Poland swore, and that my friend, was what was going to happen, in the future~

<time skip>

Germany leaned against a wall for support, that want as bad as the others but still bad of course. TR dragged Germany by the wing and threw him down the staircase before shutting the door behind with Germany and Poland all alone. Germany wasn't really awake since he was dizzy and felt sick after it, at least it wasn't acid or anything like that pain.

Poland scooted over to Germany to give him support.
'Niemcy?' Germany tried to look at Poland but his vision was tripled even with his circle glasses. Germany tried to reach Poland with his hand but missed, Poland held his hand. 'It's okay Niemcy, just rest for today.' Germany nodded and took a rest while Poland quickly took the knife that TR left on the ground to cut his own ropes off.

UN let Hungary in, who was checking up on Yn, Czechia was already good to go since he still remembered most stuff.
'Well... I guess we have to do our last option if nothing works, highly experimental.' UN sighed.

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