Infection ease

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Basically after I posted the fact about Hailey writing smut.. people have been private messaging me to post it??? Should I??

Germany hugged France and UK while covering them with his wings, showing no form of threat. He was fully vulnerable to danger and he didn't care. He was tired of activating his magic every 2 seconds. Poland soon arrived at the house and saw Germany. There is no way that Germany would cause harm... right? France and UK said bye the Germany and Germany was worried on what was going to happen next.

'Niemcy.. don't worry.' Poland comforted Germany and Germany hugged Poland.
'I'm a monster. How could I infect somebody?'
'By accident Germany, they happen all the time.' While saying that, Poland carried the German bridal style and Germany yelped a little.

While flying back to the school, Germany explained what ASEAN said.
'So Prussia never infected France on purpose' Germany shook his head. 'That's something new. We are almost there, so you want to fly yourself?' Germany nodded and flapped his wings gently, just enough to keep him floating but not fly. He didn't want to slap Poland with his wings. Once they had a decent distance, they continued flying.

Once they arrived, Germany retracted his wings in case something bad happens. UN and NATO looked ready to kill Germany.
'Germany.' UN said sternly and made a movement that TR did, which made Czechia, Poland and Germany jump. Germany sprouted his wings to wrap it around the two. UN noticed this and knew that Germany meant no harm to the two nations next to him.

'Come here Germany.' NATO commanded and Poland encouraged him to go. Germany hesitantly walked over to NATO and NATO quickly wrapped his arm around Germany in a restraining way. Germany didn't know how to react to that.
'NATO! BE GENTLE!' Czechia yelled. NATO didn't budge and Germany was kicking around randomly. 'WAIT!' NATO raised an eyebrow.
'Speak.' UN declared.

'The other day I borrowed Czechia's halo.. don't ask why. Anyways then I saw EU attacking Yn so I smacked EU multiple times with the halo which saved YN. Then Germany burst from his dorm telling me to stop since he was going to have an energy overload but it was too late.' Czechia explained, 'if somebody is going to be punished here, it's going to be me. Not him.' Czechia pointed at Germany who was slightly calmer but his magic swirled around in a panicked motion.

'Remember what ASEAN told Germany on how France got infected?' UN whispered. NATO nodded. 'Well Germany you will have to reverse this.'

'I don't how sir.' Germany stammered while tugging on NATO's arm for air, which then NATO loosened his grip.

'Then we will find out ourselves.' NATO hissed before teleporting.

'NIEMCY!!' Poland screamed. 'KURWA NATO!' He screamed angrily. Czechia went next to Poland to calm him down.
YN asked what was going on before getting up when she saw the black marks on her skin.

'I got infected? Again??' YN screeched before her eyes glowed. 'Wait.. how am I not having any other effects? No urge for anything.' YN went to Poland.

'I guess Germany's magic didn't want to do anything.'

Germany was teleported with UN and NATO in a classroom. Specifically courtroom. Germany was wondering why he was here.
'What is going to happen?' Germany asked confused. NATO walked over to Germany and then took his wing. 'Seriously?'

'We know you have that memory on how to reverse you.' They searched for spot on his wing that hurts so much they would rather listen to what NATO says then feel the pain.

'I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ON HOW TO REVERSE IT!' Germany cried. 'Only if I could forget this and die right now' Germany thought, his magic took that and took over Germany, surprisingly quickly with no problem.

Magics are always honest, you ask they answer. They are kind of stupid if you ask me.
'Ah yes. This is Germany's magic.' NATO scoffed. 'How do you reverse it.' Germany's magic shrugged.

'Germany doesn't really know... Do you want to do anything with the infection.' The magic shook its head and tried to escape but got pulled back by UN. The magic hissed angrily before trying to kick UN. UN instead kicked Germany back to his spot.

'How about we find out by some tests?' Germany whined as a way of saying no. Germany then tried to leave again but NATO catches him quickly and grabs his halo and knocks out Germany with it before placing it back on Germany.

'That stuff be 10kg, not surprising one hit was enough for this German.' NATO carried Germany and Germany let his wings out more and activated his magic, keeping in his magic was less comfy.  'My hands burn.' NATO complained before going to the lab.

YN knew that something bad was going to happen to the poor German and wanted to do something. YN took Czechia and Poland by their wrists and ran to the lab. They peeled from a small window to see Germany all confused and terrified.

Czechia remembered a secret door to the lab and took the two friends with him.

Germany woke up on one of the lab beds.
'Wo bin Ich?' Germany asked confused, his head hurt from being smacked by a 10KG halo. He grasped his head. One ear was folded while the other was jolted up in the air. NATO entered the room.

'NATO what is that?' NATO was holding a weapon like tool and approached Germany. Germany didn't know how to react and used his magic to create a barrier between the two. 'What is that?!'

'Break the barrier.' NATO didn't answer the question. 'Germany you have three seconds.'

'1' Germany increased the barrier strength, refusing to break it.
'2' Germany was about to have an heart attack, not listening to what NATO said.
'3' Germany gave in and opened the barrier for NATO.

UN came from behind and grabbed his hands and brought them behind him.
'What is that? NATO? NATO!!?' Germany raised his voice but NATO didn't reply and stabbed Germany on the bicep with the strange tool. Germany screamed in agony. 'AAAAAA!!! STOP THIS STOP STOP STOP IT BURNS!!!' Germany wailed, it was a strange thing from centuries ago that was used against the infection.

Germany whimpered more and NATO pulled the tool out. 'Well that works still. I thought it was outdated.' NATO said amused.
'Seriously?' Germany whined 'I don't know it okay? I can try to find a way if you let me out.'

YN then entered the scene.
'STOL DOING WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING!' Yn yelled. 'Look! It's just physical appearance, it doesn't matter if you are infected by Germany or not!'
'Not even a small want for blood?'
'no. So let him free please.' YN answered honestly. Germany covered himself with his own wings and UN let go of Germany's hands. He quickly brought his hands under his wing.

'What if something else happens?'
'Germany can find a way to reverse it. Just let him free.' Czechia and Poland said at the same time.

What do you think? What should UN and NATO do?

Comment down your ideas I have zero clue to be honest, I mean he literally infected somebody

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