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NATO and UN decided to take Y/n for questioning to decide Germany's and her date. Germany exhaled from relief and went to Poland. Czechia also sighed from relief at at least there is a chance of Germany being fine.

Poland went on the lab bed and snuggled up to the Germany who grabbed Poland and cuddled him and they fell asleep.

YN meanwhile was the next one to be panicking, if she messes up then everything could be over. UN handed a list of questions but text, as YN type the answers she happens to find a strange one...

She ignores it and hands the sheet to UN and NATO and then let her go along with Germany, Germany will have to report to the lab every week for experiments on reversing YN.

Germany carried Poland and raced in the halls and Poland screamed from the speed and thought he was going to fall off.
'NIEMCYYYY!!!' Poland screamed and Germany giggled, Czechia took pictures while walking next to Yn.

When they arrived at Czechia's dorm, Czechia waved goodbye to his friends before being greeted by the tiny city Brno.
Poland was right next to Germany and Czechia and easily could visit one another. While YN and Germany walked together and having a fun conversation, EU suddenly appeared behind YN with a knife pressed on her throat. She froze and so did Germany.

'EU? Let go of Yn.' Germany commanded while activating his halo on infect mode. 'EU!' He got EU's attention. EU got mad at Germany for such a ridiculous threat and threw knives at Germany, kicking him out as his wings got stabbed the progress. Czechia sneaks up from behind, he knew this walk wouldn't be so fun with Germany.
EU was about to stab Yn when..

Czechia wrapped his tail around EU like he did when saving Germany from Mongolia. He tugged hard and EU fell onto the ground and stomped on him.
'WAIT DO NOT KILL HIM! HE IS STILL EU IT'S JUST THE PARASITE.' Yn warned and Czechia stopped and used his flexible tails to tie him up. 'Check on Germany.' Czechia declared and Yn did as told. She pulled out the knives before using her own ability to heal him. Yn was a battle healer. EU struggled against Czechia's tails before pulling one of his tails and took Czechia hostage.

Czechia was the one struggling now and Germany started to wake up with low energy. Yn pointed at Czechia and EU, not knowing what to do.
Germany took his halo and switched to energy stealing mode and threw it towards them to recharge faster. It unfortunately hit Czechia and he got knocked out, thankfully it wasn't on infect mode.

'Sheiße.. I need to aim better! Whatever.' Germany consumed the energy from Czechia and switched to infect mode, using his halo as his weapon to infect EU with his own magic. The fight was intense, a powerful nation vs. an entire union. Czechia sent a signal to Poland through is non existent eye, no power included just a sense as a lion hybrid.

After Germany being tackled down multiple times, Germany got to smack the living out of EU in infection mode. He panted and tried to push off EU off him, Czechia had to help Germany pull off EU and Germany fainted, Yn did so too, after all she was still infected. If Germany faints, she does too. Poland ran out his dorm and sent a radio signal to UN and NATO that UN gave him in case Germany does something "stupid".

Poland checked up on Yn and Germany .
'They share an energy connection. They'll be fine but hold up.. ARE THOSE KNIFES IN HIS WING?' Poland grabbed his wing gently and saw how the knives pierced through his wing. That is die pain worthy. Germany was moving slightly and morphed into his magic, Poland didn't know that till he saw how Germany made slight growling noises but remained on the ground. NATO then arrived alone to see Germany and YN.

'Do they share an energy connection?' NATO asked and Poland nodded, 'then why is Czechia unconscious as well?' Poland then shrugged, 'I'll ask Germany later.' NATO then picked up Germany, Yn and Czechia. Poland followed to check up on his friends.

When they arrived, NATO checked the details on the wounds. The knives were in the shape of the infamous twin lightning bolts, the sign that TR puts all over his home. But how did EU do that? The wings were bleeding a black gold liquid among some crimson warm blood. Poland helped NATO patch up Germany's wounds by activating his magic so Germany's magic "liquid" won't make NATO sick.

Later on Czechia started to wake up and NATO went to Czechia and asked multiple questions. Czechia started to say how Germany defended YN and Czechia tried to help defend Yn but then got taken hostage. Germany took out his halo to steal EU's energy but missed and so on.

NATO turned to Germany who was still in his "Reich" form. Poland was trying to shake YN up but it didn't work. Germany was low on energy trying to heal and won't wake up until he gets energy, if Germany doesn't wake up, YN won't either. Saarland and Warsaw entered the room quietly to check up on Germany.
Warsaw fiddled with Saarland's wing, concerned. If Germany dies then Saarland and his other states along with his cities will also perish.

Saarland touched Germany's head and knew he was okay.
'You idiots. He needs blood!' Saarland snapped and pulled her sleeve. 'May you leave for this one?' NATO, Poland and Warsaw with Czechia left the room. Saarland forced Germany's mouth open to place in her hand and pressed down to free some blood. She elevated Germany's head so he could consume it. Germany coughed a little from the sudden blood but Saarland kept him in place so he would consume it.

YN was starting to wake up too but just a little. Germany swallowed the blood himself now and then pulled away from Saarland's arm. Germany licked his lips to clean up leftover blood and NATO arrived back to see both German and Yn awake.
'Oh so your energy restored.'
Germany then realized what he did, he infected EU.

'SHEIßE!!' Germany swore loudly. 'VERDAMMT WARUM??' Germany was annoyed on why he decided to infect EU, but at least he won't be attacking students in the halls anymore.

'What's wrong Germany?'

Germany didn't want to reply but he told NATO on how he infected EU. NATO then sent UN to get the union to the lab. EU then entered the room, also awake but as weak as Germany's. Germany felt guilty but it had to be done. EU no longer attacked anyone and was pretty much like YN...

Will Germany be able to reverse this?

Y'all I'll be going on a one/two day break to practice volleyball :)
Uhhh.... I'm posting this chapter that's very short and for that imma add in a mini art I did earlier today

1945 (Countryhumans, has Gerpol)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora