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Let's have some ships and fun! The next chapter gonna be horrifying so let's have some fun in this one! :D

Germany entered the classroom.
'Sorry ms. ASEAN! I was at the.. lab.'
'No worries Germany, take a seat!' ASEAN replied, Germany sat down next to Poland who clung into Germany while ASEAN was teaching. Poland then suddenly snatched Germany's circle shaped glasses and placed it on himself.

'How do you see with this? It's all a blur and I can't even tell what colors are on your flag!' Poland asked, Germany took his glasses back.

'By me having crappy eyesight to begin with.' Germany sassed before taking notes. Japan secretly took some pictures of Poland wearing Germany's glasses and took notes quickly before seeing Poland give a feather to Germany who accepted the white feather.
'Who the heck gives feathers as a gift?' Japan thought before seeing Germany return the gesture by giving Poland his midnight black feather, which glowed slightly when taken off by Germany which amazed the Polish.

ASEAN smacked her hand on Japan's desk.
'Japan are you paying attention?'
'Yes ma'am!' She said faster than a lightning bolt before the teacher continued teaching.

Since they missed half the day of school since they had to get dorms, school was already over (author's note: I'm too lazy so I'm going to place in horrible logic).

Poland and Germany walked together across the halls when people started to clap for no reason.
'Why are you guys clapping?' Germany asked while Poland nodded in agreement.

'YOU GUYS ARE DATING! WE SAW THE KISS YOU KNOW!' Austria yelled before seeings Germany's face. It was priceless.

'W-what kiss?' Germany decided to act like it didn't happen and then Poland looked at him disappointed. 'Fine yes we did.' Germany mumbled a bit before making people go into a cheering fit.

'HEY WHAT ABOUT RUSSIA AND AMERICA! WHY NOT CHEER FOR THEM!' Poland yelled, knowing that Germany probably disliked all the attention. They fled to Poland's dorm where Germany got greeted by Warsaw.
'Hallo Warsaw!' Germany greeted awkwardly.

'You are dating HIM?' Warsaw pointed at Germany and Germany gulped. Warsaw stepped over to Germany. He looked up and down. 'Okay I approve. Welcome to the family!' Warsaw greeted while hugging Germany.

Germany let out a sigh of relief and Poland laughed.
'Overprotective much, Warsaw?' Poland burst out.


'Sounds like your tryna get a bf yourself but can't~' Poland teased Warsaw. 'HOLD UP WARSAW YOU HAVE A CRUSH?' Poland raised his voice in curiosity.

'Does Prague or Berlin have wings?'
'No.. Prague has lion tails, all Czech cities do.. SAARLAND HAS WINGS! WARSAW CARE TO EXPLAIN!' Germany said with a dramatic gasp.

Warsaw decided to touch the slightly wounded wings, before nodding and covering himself in Germany's wings.
'Do you and Saarland have similar texture of wings?' Warsaw asked.
'Weird question... but yes? Why?'
'GIVE ME YER WING!' Warsaw said before chasing Germany.

'WAIT WHAT POLEN HELP!!!' Germany screamed high pitched before Warsaw tackled him down, somehow. 'OI WARSAW CHILL I CAN GET YOU SOME TIME WITH SAARLAND SPARE ME!' Warsaw let go of Germany and got off him. Poland was crying laughing.

'Like a Date?'

'NO! You need to friend her first! I can get you a meetup.' Warsaw thought about it.

'Well Polen I guess I found your capital's crush.. ON MY STATE!' Germany said.
'Baby Warsaw got a crush-' Poland got interrupted by a random tantrum that Warsaw did.

1945 (Countryhumans, has Gerpol)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang