Germany's missing.

489 10 24

I had this in my drafts, forgot to upload :)

Germany was sleeping peacefully on the bench while having his head on Poland's lap. Poland massaged his ears and twitched occasionally but Germany didn't seem to mind.

Czechia walked over in front of Poland and Germany, blocking the warm sun rays from the sky. Germany turned a bit in his sleep and Poland giggled.

'What are you guys doing?' Czechia asked, wanting to start a conversation. Poland stopped massaging Germany's ears and looked up.
'Just hanging out. This lil guy forgot to sleep last night since he was working on a blueprint, so he is taking a small nap now.' Poland shrugged. 'How about you?'

'Serbia asked me out... I have no idea how to reply. He asked me out on text and then went offline for six hours.' Czechia responded.
'Well, do you like him back?'
'Yeah I guess.'
'Then say yes?'
'What if it's a prank??'

Poland thought about it and then took Czechia's phone and wrote yes. Serbia instantly replied and the Poland passed it back. 'Here you chicken. Go with the flow, if it was a prank then pull out an uni reverse card.' Czechia saw the message.

'HE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE AS WELL! I GOTTA GO!' Czechia screamed before running off. Japan and Italy walked by.

'Bro what's up with these couples these days??' Poland mumbled confused. 'OI JAPAN AND ITALY GET OVER HERE!' The two countries went to them and Japan screamed seeing the two together.

'I thought you put Spain and Italy together in your ship book?'

'Ah! We were secretly dating hehe.' Japan answered before hugging Italy.
'Bro today I saw like fifty four couples just sitting by this bench.' Poland murmured.

'Tell me about it, I saw you and Germany today.' Italy scoffed. Soon America entered and the two ran away.
America seemed stressed and Germany woke up.

'Uh Poland are you good? I sense stress.' Germany yawned.
'Nie... I think it's America.' Germany got up and called America over. 'AMERIKA KOMMT HIER!' Germany yelled half asleep and America came over, Germany sensed the stress get stronger.
'I sense stress, what's up?'

'You know.. my two brothers are infected and I'm worried about kiwi or I being next.' America said, 'worst part is that I saw Slovakia at the campus and then tried to attack me when Vatican started spraying holy water at Slovakia.'

'Vatican? I haven't heard about him for days!' Poland exclaimed.
'America if you ever feel stressed you can talk to me, I am also your brother after all.' Germany mentioned before hugging America.

'Niemcy it's starting to get dark.. we should go.' Germany nodded before waving to America and leaving the school garden to the lockers. 'Wanna come over to mine for the night?' Poland offered and Germany accepted it.

'I'll go to my dorm to get spare clothes and stuff. Tomorrow is the weekend as well.' Poland nodded and went to his dorm while Germany packed his pajamas, clothes for tomorrow and other stuff before leaving.. Warsaw turned out to be staying at Germany's dorm with Saarland while Germany went to Poland's.

On the way Mongolia stopped him.
'What do you want. Why are you still here hasn't Czechia told you to stay away from me?' Germany scolded quietly.

'Germany, we are meant to be together!'

'No we're not! I am Poland's not yours.' Germany snapped.

'It's for my dynasty, tighten bonds between our magic types.'

'Why do I care? I have feelings and they aren't for you.' Germany growled before trying to leave but then Mongolia hissed and pushed him to the dorm door. 'MONGOLIA I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!'

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