The mirror

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Demxn_TearsRBLX I got to change the title since my autocorrect is being annoying af to me ):
I made a small change, I don't think you can get infected by your own magic type but definitely can be weakened or killed.

Germany got the ride from EU and he immediately went to the bathroom. EU was downstairs telling the results of the tests. His head hurt so much from the holy magic and his cursed magic was whining.

On the way to his personal bathroom he grabbed the box of matches that was infested with his magic. It had a black aura but he ignored it and lit a match to two candles, hoping to not summon them. He just want relaxation from holy magic using the matches but only TR's matches were available.

The mirror cracked and burst open, one of the shards slashing his eye. He grasped onto his eye before glancing at the mirror and the axis stepped out of it.
'Hey Germany~' TR said Will telling FI to restrain him. He grabbed Germany and pushed him to the wall quietly so that the others won't here below.
'HEY- MPMHHH!!' Germany shouted before being muffled by JE. JE took out her Katana, cutting his palm to assert dominance over Germany with her magic, usually Germany would be infected but it was his own magic type and only weakened him temporarily.

'MPHHMM???' Germany muffled puzzled under FI's grasp. TR walked closer and used his eyes on Germany, both of TR's eyes grew more red and started to leak his magic. Germany was starting to fall weaker as his energy got drained by TR's eye, AFAIN unable to infect him. 'MMMM HMMM?' Germany's tears dropped onto the floors as TR only looked at Germany with a smirk.

'Don't struggle, this pain will be over if you join the axis~ East failed me, you don't want to fail me too do you? You were my favorite.' TR said, trying to manipulate Germany.
'MMMMMM SIFISIGISIFIEITIEIF!!' Germany tried to yell German curse words at him. His breathing got heavier and FI could feel it.

'JUST STOL RESTRAINING YOUR MAGIC!' FI hissed while the class started to scratch Germanys face. He whimpered but FI dug the class in further, leaving Germany no choice but to burn his wings and flap them on FI. He was so low on energy... honestly any more attacked would make him unconscious

They heard footsteps and left quickly, dropping Germany with a thud. His wings bled when his wings landed on the mirror shards, his palm and eye bled and was unconscious.

EU, UK and France entered the bathroom to see the scene the axis left behind. The broken mirror, the claw wound, the palm wound, the eyes from the mirror shards and currently on his wings.
'Is this why Germany hates showing his wings?' UK asked EU, he only shrugged and picked up Germany. New Zealand held her plushie while seeing the wreck Germany was brought into and hugged France in fear.

EU treated his wounds with his magic as a Union before setting him down in his room that UK showed him. EU looked around the room, the perfectly neat symmetrical blueprints on the table and a block that was always available for homework reminders and plans.

Germany's wings just grew slightly bigger and more feathers fell, it was the season to get new feathers and replace the old ones. EU started to write and left the room to discuss Brexit peacefully with France and UK.

Uhh no specific country to infect rn so I got some Yn (y/n)...
Germany woke up.. he knew this was another dream. The most surrounded his vision and he stood up to see a girl with beautiful flowing hair covering her eyes.

'Germany..' Yn said. 'I want to show you my eyes but I don't want you to get infected.'

'You cant infect me Yn... I am resistant to being infected.' Germany claimed, brushing the hair from her eyes.

'TR infected me the day I went to your basement. It kept my contact away from Poland and Czechia, it's getting worse and I'm losing control.'

Why was he in this dream? Why? Why? Why???
He couldn't respond to what Yn said and stood there silently.

'Let the organizations know if you get any scars..' she said before a small wind uncovered her face, revealing blood red thirsty eyes. Germany winced a bit before nodding. Yn left onto the mist and never returned..

Germany woke up, this was real life now. His wings hurt a lot and he quickly hid them after the attack. Nope, not gonna listen to NATO. He walked up to see a paper.

Dear Germany,
I hope you are feeling better. When talked with your new parents, I heard muffled screaming and thud to see you uncoinsious in the bathroom. Let me know if you suffered any Stuff.
Here is my number to call- xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx

He immediately remembered what Yn said and ran to the bathroom and picked up a shard. Then he noticed all the scars that they left behind. They tried to assert dominance and force him in the axis. He rejected them just fine. He picked up the phone and placed the cal with EU

He told EU about the dream then that he got a scar on his face and palm. The class wounds weren't a scar but rather a wound.

What is going on? Germany thought, why is Yn in his dreams? Why are the axis doing this?

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