Your turn, AUSSIE

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Demxn_TearsRBLX I read your request and then halfway through writing I processed the information wrong! -angry noises-. But.. I decided to read it over ten times and then mixed the mistake with your request!

(Slight edit, spelling mistake. If you read this before then skip :))

Germany woke up to a message on his phone, he remembered the part and smiled before taking his phone (he got a new one) to check his message.

Dear Germany,

I'm so sorry for any damage I done to you while being infected. Taiwan threw some halo on my and then black goo came out out of my eye. Taiwan claimed that it was your halo and I want to thank you for helping me.

You don't have to forgive me, I understand because of my ritual skills I might have sent TR to haunt you. I can try to reserve it.


Germany smiled weakly and replied that he forgives her before nudging the Polish of wake up.
'Polen!' Germany said to wake up Poland, Poland looked at Germany.
'Morning Niemcy.' Poland says before getting up slowly and yawned. 'Kde Are we?'
'America's dorm. We had a party.' Germany said before seeing America on the sofa, sleeping and NY cleaning up the kitchen a little.  'NY, thank America for inviting us.' Poland requested before taking Germany's hand to leave the dorm. Germany and Poland's wings were the messiest out of their hair and clothes and they took turns brushing the feathers.

They said goodbye to each other before getting ready for school.

Meanwhile at Australia's:
(My book is third person, but in this part will be Aussie's POV)

I was in bed, I was tired but the party was lit. I feel like a proud brother after seeing Germany together with Poland. They are like the best couple.
I was awake, on my bed and I decided to get up and get ready for school. I got the smaller room since Canberra insisted on having the bigger room after her leg injury. I mean I guess having crutches deserve extra space.

I was standing around, having my usual conversation with my best friend, Cornflower Mitzi. Mitzi was the plant by Germany's window until I stole it since the plant turned out to be really cool and funny. He even helped me with my homework!

After I was done, Mitzi yelled at me.
'LOOK OUT!' I turned sharply behind me to see my brother Canada. He didn't smell like maple syrup lately though..
'Why Mitzi, this is my brother Canada! He is safe so don't worry.' I whispered to Mitzi and Mitzi was trying to  convince me to run but I ignored his actions.

'Hi Canada! Why are you in my dorm? Are you hungry?'
Canada nodded and we headed to the kitchen. I started cooking fairy bread.. basically toast with butter and some sprinkles(yes it's actually a real thing in Australia! Weird...).
I passed it to Canada and started making my own. Canada placed his plate aside and walked to me. He seemed to be drooling, was my fairy bread this good?

'You smell good.' He whispered to my ear.
'Thanks! I was trying this new shampoo yesterday! Mitzi helped me make it safe though.' I smiled at my brother, he is so kind and sweet! He always notices the small changed I do, new haircut, style.. soap, you name it! I'm so proud to be a brother of my four siblings, yes. That includes Germany!

'No... I meant your blood!' Canada growls before pinning me to the kitchen counter.
''W-what? CANADA ARE YOU INFECTED?' I screamed and struggled, this wasn't the Canada I knew.. this was a parasite taking over my brother! I wasn't mad at Canada honestly, I was made at the forged magic in my brother. No wonder he smelt different and didn't eat pancakes!
'HELP! CANADA IS-'  I yelled before Canada's parasite bit me on the shoulder. I screamed as loud as I could before being everything turned black. I opened my eyes to be in a dark room with a figure.
'Where am I?' The dark figure walked closer to me and lifted my chin.
'Your mind. You can walk around freely and stuff but like your body is mine now~' the figure whispered. I flinched at the voice and ran away before bumping into a bookshelf. My mind? I opened the book.. but all these books were my memories. I WAS STUCK IN MY MIND!
'Fine.. I'll let you out under one condition!'
'You'll see~'

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