Weird sensation

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Apologies for delay, Hailey wrote smut so I had to delete it. I kept the title though but it does have a relation with the chapter anyway...
I made this chapter extra long as an polish for the delay :)

NATO was in the meantime guarding the classrooms, making sure the axis wasn't up to something. He sense a weird thing in the girls bathroom and called ASEAN over to check up. ASEAN arrived within minutes and walked out with Y/N in her hands.

'What the?!'
NATO took Yn. Black patches appeared on her hand that were disappearing and appearing. 'Should we ask Germany?'
'Yes, I'll get Germany soon. Meanwhile place Yn in our safe zone. AKA our office.' ASEAN nodded and took Yn before teleporting to the office.
Meantime what Poland was doing.

Germany was randomly growling but quietly and calm... Turns out they were at the lab since they found out that Germany could infect people, even if he had no intention.

'Niemcy??' Poland asked while shaking Germany. Germany soon woke up.
'Where am I?'
'At the lab.' Poland then explained what happened. Germany then explained his side.

'PFFT HE IS A DOG PERSON-' Poland laughed and Germany did too. Then he activated his Halo and placed it aside.
'No risk.' Germany said before placing it under the bed so nobody could touch it.

'Wait can other people carry it?'
'Highly doubt it, wanna try?'
'Bruh no Niemcy. Remember?'
'Oh yeah.' Germany muttered, 'Sorry.'

'It's fine.' Germany kissed Poland on the cheek quickly before getting up from the bed, leaving the halo behind. Germany turned to the door and turned it but it didn't budge.
'Polen you realize you are stuck here with me?' Germany asked. Poland nodded,
'UN will let me out later, I wanted to check on my cinnamon roll.' Poland assured and Germany blushed a little.
'Danke.' Germany thanked and UN opened the door.
'Hello Germany, I guess you know why I am here?'

Germany looked cross for a second, before standing up and going to UN.
'First of all, you made my magic take over by kidnapping me randomly during the party. I was stuck in my mind for god knows how long. You could've have just asked me peacefully ya know???' Germany ranted, Poland nodded in response. 'My magic doesn't want to do harm, I literally found out he gave me wolf ears because my magic was a dog person.' Germany added.

'I understand, but do you really want to get attention when I announce you have to go to a lab?'

'Eee... you got a point. Can I have freedom or something?' Germany asked innocently, activating his power slightly to keep his halo and to add the look to his eyes.

'Germany... can you infect people?'
'Didn't you touch my halo before?' UN agreed to that statement. 'UN I highly doubt I will keep my halo on me full time, even if it's easier to keep it out. I sleep with my magic fully exposed. That's why I have a single dorm in the first place.' Germany shrugged.

Poland walked over to UN and whispered something before UN let Germany out. Germany thanked UN and took his halo from under the bed before leaving. Saves energy I guess. Before UN let them exit, Germany had to give him his halo. Germany protested a little, saying there is no point since after a specific time it will teleport back to Germany but UN wouldn't let him out without it.

Germany gave up and passed the halo, more like put it inside a locked safe which only Germany or UN can open and then left with Poland.

Later on Czechia was panicking since he got cornered by FI and JE, discussing who infects Czechia. Czechia tried to make them back off but it failed horribly.

Germany then immediately broke the rule of the halo and threw it like a boomerang at FI's head, luckily it actually hit him instead of Czechia.
'Ah! WHERE DID MY ENERGY GO?' FI shouted before turning to Germany who had a smug face, knowing he just consumed his energy. 'GERMANY. Give that back.'

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