Chapter 6

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Micah POV:

It has been 8 days since I sent my last letter, 8 days where I have been switching between being the busy business man working in my office that I am, and following her where She went.

In the time I spent around her I learned that her sister is a snarky bitch towards her, it's safe to say that I don't like her family and how they treat her.

I was currently in my bedroom back in the cave where I lived, drying my hair from the shower I took 5 minutes ago.

It has been such a long time since I've been here, I normally stay at my company where I have a little penthouse over my office where I stay and work as a CEO - under a fake identity of course, but the cave is my real home that no one knows about, only me and Luca, and it is a cave surrounded by a lot of woods so no one really comes around here.

I was putting on my pants when Luca came into my room, "ah, home sweet home. I missed the big old cave" he said as he sat down on a couch.

I had been a little annoyed with him the past week and thought about many different ways I could but him into a life-long coma or send him under a graveyard, since he told me that he managed to both get her phone number and a date with her.

"I think I should get myself a cave too" he said when I continued ignoring him and pulled on my clothes. "We can be cave buddies and sit on top of each of our cave and shout things at each other" he tried again when I was done putting my shoes on.

He signed in defeat because he always had a very low patience, "come on Mickey, you know nothing is gonna happen it's just to get information that you can't get from 150 miles and a tree away."

I paused in my steps to the door, a minute later I sighed and turned to him "you know if anything happens to her then I'll chop of your balls and make you choke on them before I'll burn you"

He responded with a laugh, " I expect nothing less. Besides, I may be a bastard that parties to much, but I still have a mate out there and when I meet her I will treat them like the only person in the world" he said the last part in a sadder tone, I hope he doesn't have to wait until he's an old bastard like me.

It was around 22pm and I had sat here in my office for the past 3 hours, I worked on a project that I had and just didn't and couldn't leave the office before it was done.

I took a sip of my tea that I had beside my computer to keep me awake, when a notification about a email popped up. I clicked and sighed when I saw it was about my "brother".

"brother" said in a disgusting tone because he can be called anything but that but at the same time my "brother" because he is kind of blood related - though I wish he wasn't.

I scrolled to see the several pictures and the text sent with it. Apparently he had managed to destroy half of little village because he lost control of his wolf, again.

I leaned back in my chair with a tired sigh as I rubbed my face in tiredness. I didn't wanna deal with his bullshit right now, but even though I hate him for many good reasons I have always been the one in the shadow who cleaned up after his mess.

My night was ruined now after those news so I decided to go for a walk. It was quit outside and nearly midnight so almost no one was outside, but I liked it, walking in the dark with no one or not so many around.

I heard laughter and giggles coming from on of the houses I walked by. At first I wasn't so worried but then it came closer so I swung myself up in a tree.

A minute later I saw two figures by one of the walls of the building, it looked like a girl and a boy. The figures came closer and I saw... Emory? And some boy, looked like they where making out and laughing a lot.

I don't know if it was her mate, Quinn had said that she went out with a lot of boys so I kind of doubt it.

The guy had his hands on her hip while she had hers around his neck and they both seemed too busy sucking each other's faces.

The guy roamed his hands around her body before he settled them at the waistband band of her sleep shorts, teasing it for a moment before he dug his hands under her shorts.

Okay I drew my line there, as quietly as I could I slid down to the ground and picked up a rock, this is gonna shock them a little bit I thought as I threw the rock trough one of the windows at the house.

Their shocked faces were priceless as the both had at bit crumbled and out of place clothes from their earlier business and the boy put Emory behind him in a protective manner.

Buddy, the only thing she needs protection against is pregnancy my wolf snorted

Exactly my thoughts I chuckled.

But I hope mate won't hate us for scaring her sister, he whined

I'm very sure she won't bud. I said

And with that I ran home to my bed and pillow.

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