Chapter 12

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Micah POV:

It's been a month since the holidays and vacation from school and work started for everyone, but for me, it's the AKA torture holidays.

Since it's summer and I have free time from my company because everyone is on holiday or vacation I planned on having some nice relaxing weeks to myself spend watching my girl or sleeping in, but no, instead Luca have been on more and more dates with Melanie — I think something might happen soon — while I of course have been stuck with Sarah as the 3rd wheel to keep her of their ass and let them get some alone time.

As I said torture because Sarah doesn't know how to take a hint and have been following me everywhere like a lost puppy, trying to get my number and getting me to reply back.

She really doesn't know how to take a hint. The word is 'no' woman, 'nien' in German if you care. Jace has rolled his eyes so much that it might get stuck.

Today I'm in town with Luca, luckily without the girls, I don't mind Melanie I think her and Luca are great together but Sarah is a no no.

"Sarah has been asking me for your number since the last time we were together. Just talk to her dude" Luca comes walking to our table with our sandwiches.

It's very hot and we were hungry so we decided to go in here and eat.

"No way, I don't wanna talk to her" I say while unwrapping my sandwich, "she's just hoping I'll get tired of Quinn and hook up with her, and I already told her no" I look at him and give him a flat smile.

He gives a small "hmm" while chewing, "okay, well I can't really blame her for trying, if I were a female I'd wanna bang you too at first eyesight" I look at him with an unimpressed glare, "well how clear were you when you said no?" He ask and points with his sandwich.

I take of my sunglasses and swipe over my face, "at the game when she asked me if I was single I said no and then the other times when she asked me for my number I said no" I took a huge bite of my sandwich, "can't you just tell her I'm not interested next time she ask for number, clearly she didn't understand it from me."

He looks away with a sigh, "I'll try, but she sounds pushy and determined to sleep with you" he lifts his chin at me. "Like that something new from the ladies" I chuckle and see an eye roll from Luca before continuing to eat.

10 minutes later we're still sitting there in complete silence just enjoying our sandwich when his phone vibrates on the table indicating a massage.

he picks it up and smirks before trying to hide it, "hey man I'm sorry but I have to go, my... uhm my mom just asked me to come home and help her with moving the fridge" he asks.

Now I'm smirking "you can't lie for shit, I know that look on your face, it was a booty call from Melanie wasn't it?"

"Oh fuck off you romantic beast, it was an if I wanted to go to the movies and then go to her place to smash text" he explains like that makes it better.

I'm still chuckling when I hold up my hands and say "whatever dude. You know you can go, go have fun" I say more seriously.

"Thanks dude you're the best" he says while rising from the table and I see him walk away.

When I'm done eating my sandwich and having a 10 min break on my phone I go to throw all the wrapper and trash away before leaving.

It's not as hot outside as it was before and not so many people either,I check my phone, it's 15:31. I walk around a little just enjoying the weather and the summer.

I walk past the beach where many young people are still sun-bathing or playing in the water, some parents walk around with the children in bathing suits or holding ice creams that will make their hands sticky when it melts.

MATE! Jace screams, which gives me a shock.

Is mate here on the beach, it is a very nice summer day and a lot of people are outside, but is she here? Have she noticed me too? Have she already been watching me for a long time?

I look around to try and find her, there she is standing at the edge and line between the beach and sidewalk with another girl and guy, her friends.

She's not looking over here so she hasn't noticed me yet, that's good. I scan her from head to toe, she has her hair up in a bun and black sunglasses on, a navy blue bikini top with red stripes and a white jacket hung on her arm.

Is she trying to kill me with that bikini?! Her boobs look so good and plump in them and that blue just makes it look better. My eye's finally travel over over her flat stomach to the denim shorts that highlight her ass and to her long smooth legs, oh what I wouldn't give to have them wrapped around my waist.

I look down and yep I have a boner. Is she trying to kill me on purpose? On one side I wanna go over there and throw her over my shoulder to carry her home so no other man can see her, but I know I can't do that.

She laughs at something her friend said and I wanna go over there and make her laugh.

She stops and looks around, her wolf must have notified her about a mate too, but I'm standing inside a store that faces the beach and there's lots of people outside so she can't see me.

She finally walks away when her friends call after her, I'm sorry my mate but this is the best. After a minute I start walking home in the opposite direction.

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