Chapter 15

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Quinn POV:

It's been 5 days since I 'slept with my mate', and I haven't heard anything from him, no notes no nothing.

And honestly, I'm not even sad about our nonexistent mate bond anymore, this guy can be bitten by mosquitoes and have ants and spiders crawling over him for all I care.

I haven't told Mel or Alex yet either because what the hell would they imagine. They can't even imagine being a day without each other. I'm looking at the text Mel just send me.

Mel💗: wanna come over and hang with me and Alex when you're done with your shift.

I exhale a harsh breath but can't put it away before it beeps with another text from her.

Mel💗: why you feeling down, you haven't answered my texts all day?

I'm too tired to deal with this right now, so I stuff it away in my jacket that's hang on a rag before I go out to the counter to see if there's any tables ready.

"Quinn" Frank calls from the kitchen window, "can you help May over at the bar tonight, Emma is sick and won't be coming in tonight". I give him a quick nod before I walk over to the bar.

May seems scary on the outside with tattoos on her hands and neck and her big muscles, but she really is a sweet girl and a total mama bear over her friends. She's the one Frank and the others call when they need to move the refrigerator or something.

"Hey Quinn, how you've been?" May ask when I come around the corner "well I've been alive" we both laugh at the joke before going back to our job.

"Is that little Quinn I spot down there or is my sight getting old" Lou says when I walk up to him. One of our regulars, comes every Monday and Thursday to sit at the bar and order drinks, sometimes on other days where he brought a friend or his wife, but Mondays and Thursdays are reserved for him alone.

"Nope, you've gone old a long time ago Lou but you've always had a good sight when it comes to drinking." He turns to laugh. "So what will it be?" I ask. "You know my fuel" he says. "The usual, coming right up."

It's been half an hour of my shift before Sven and his friends come through the doors headed for the bar laughing at who knows what.

whenever we hear someone laugh a lot we always assume it's Sven and his buddies cause they always laughing at jokes half the time they're here.

Lou turns around in his seat and mutters "damn hyenas" under his breath. Him and Sven used to be work rivals until Lou quit and found a new job.

"We need a round of beer down here, I think Robert need to cool down after he just got BURNED at the golf court." They start laughing again when they've sat down.

I mentally roll my eyes. "Hey sugar cube why don't you come here and hear about my big win against Francis?"

"You didn't win" Francis says but it's as if he hadn't spoke at all because Sven kept talking. "And then maybe you can fetch me that phone number off yours that you have promised me for so long."

"Sorry, no can do I have a job to maintain, and I certainly never promised you anything" I murmured the last part as I walked away.

There's two more things you should now about Sven, he was a perverted ass that loved girls under 20, and the entire time I have worked here he always tried to hit on me.

30 minutes later we heard a loud splintering sound of glass falling to the floor, " oh my, I'm so sorry, you know how the body gets with old age" Sven said while his buddies chuckled.

May was busy with an order so i decided to go get the dusting pan to clean it up. I get around to where the glass is, and of course it's right in front of Sven's stool.

Right as I bend down to dust it up I feel a smack and a hand on my ass. I gasp, How dare he. I turn around with an angry scowl, but before I can say anything I see a blur and him on the floor with another man on top off him landing punches.

MATE fire shouts when I smell his scent.

"Don't touch my mate with your filthy perverted hands, no one touches my mate" he said as he kept laying angry punches. Sven was doing his best to hide his face.

I looked around the restaurant, every quest was looking on with shocked expression. I looked back at him, I had so many things I wanted to say but the only thing I could think of was getting him out.

"Come with me" I pulled his shoulder and he paused for just a second before he shakily got off him and half jogged with me outside the restaurant, I knew it was because of the mate bond or I wouldn't be able to get him off.

When we reached the alley behind the restaurant he turned me around to slam my back against the wall and slammed his lips on mine. I tried to push him off to talk but I fell into the kiss.

His kiss where hungry like he had been deprived for a long time and couldn't get enough of this moment. But at the same time sweet and gentle like he wanted to save this moment forever.

His lips where so soft that I gasped when he ran his tongue along my lips and parted them. He tasted like mint and vanilla, odd combo but quickly becoming my favorite.

Our tongues fought for a little while before he gently bit my lower lip and I whimpered. I was so addicted that it took a lot from him to separate us enough that our noses touched.

"I'm so sorry my love." All his words where slightly slurred cause there was so much tongue and kissing in between. "I'm so sorry my mate" kiss. "I should—" tongue kiss "I should have never left you" sloppy tongue kiss.

This time it was me who pushed him away. I stared at him before I slapped him. "I deserved that" he said after a minute.

"Why are you— I" I hid my face in his t-shirt. "Why did you do this" I whispered. "Shh, I'm so sorry my little mate, about everything" He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"My little mate" he scratched my head before he laid his chin on my head. "I know you're very confused right now, but I promise I will tell you everything if you come with me" he said as he wrapped his hands around my chin to look me in the eyes.

"But....." I looked back at the restaurant.

I looked at his eyes, his beautiful melting chocolate swirling with gold eyes "ok."

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