Chapter 16

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Micah POV:

"You live here?" Quinn asked as she looked around the cave. Yes. It wasn't nearly as big as this when I found it so I had to do a lot of the construction myself.

It seems weird to others that home is built in to the mountain, but I like it.

A little sprout of pride filled me when she wandered around and explored, she would probably never have guessed or expected a house in the mountains.

"This is gorgeous, you live alone?" She asked as she pushed down the door handle to my office. "Yes, just me."

My home office was one of the rooms I kept the most tidy so there weren't really many things on my desk except my computer, a mini statue souvenir I got from Luca that I never cared to throw out and some pens.

The wall behind the desk was filled with bookshelves from floor to ceiling, and on the other side or side of the room was a couch and armchair with a little glass table. "Wow, you've read all these?" She asked as she looked over the books.

The urge to grab her up against the bookshelf and kiss her or bend her over my desk came so sudden it made my dick twitch. "Only some of them" I said. "If you like these you should see this" I took her arm and dragged her out the door before she could set the book back, so it landed on the floor with a thud.

I dragged her to the other end of the house and opened the double doors that led to the library. "Oh my" she gasped before she took a step inside. "I do read a little but I made this a little bigger after I found out you like books." "How did you know that?" She turned to me.

I walked up to her and placed my hand on her cheek, "I may not have been there physically, but I've always been there, the park walk with Melody, the hangouts with her and her mate, the shopping trips, everything. You are my mate, and I will always watch you."

She looked down as she bit her bottom lip, I ran my thump over her lip and pulled her bottom lip out before I kissed her, I nibbled her bottom lip so she would know that only I could bite her bottom lip, before releasing her.

"Come on, it's almost midnight let's go to bed" I said. Her eyes where sad when she looked up at me, "what if you run away again?" She asked with a slight frown.

"This is my home where would I run off to." I lightly joked. That died down after a minute when I saw the same sad eyes as before. "I won't run away, I promise baby girl, you have my word."

It took like what felt forever for her to decide when I'm reality it was only a couple of minutes, but I have never felt as happy as when she nodded and took my outstretched hand.

I could feel the electricity of the mate bond for a moment and I never wanted to let go. "But I don't have any clothes to sleep in" she said as we walked down the halls, "you can borrow one of my shirts."

"Or I could sleep naked, but I doubt you would let me sleep much if I do that" Quinn almost fell to the floor because of my outstretched arm cause I was rooted to the floor as soon as she had said that.

She looked back at me with a dumbfounded expression.

Slowly and with flaring nostrils I stalked towards her until she backed against the wall. "How I wouldn't love to just turn you over in the middle of the night or wake you up with my head between your legs" I growled in her ear, "but another time, this our first night together, just let me hold you" I looked at her before taking her hand again and went up the stairs.

"Here" I said as I handed her a shirt from my closet, with a quick 'thank you' she walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

I looked out the windows in thoughts while I stripped down to my boxers, I always slept in my underwear, I would put more clothes on if she wasn't comfortable with it or asked me to but I hope not.

She was still in the bathroom using the sink when I sat against the headboard with my phone in my hand.

She walked out as I was about to finish this email, I was going to look at her quickly and get back to work, but my email was soon forgotten when I saw her long clean shaved tan legs with some freckles on the outer side of her left calf.

My eyes traveled up to my shirt she was wearing and it only reached her mid thigh. What a long night this was.

She crawled up to sit beside me and turned her face to me. I could see her eyes travel over me several times, pausing for some seconds every time on my chest. "You have many tattoos" she said as she lifted her hand to touch "can I?" She asked.

My heart bleed in that moment, "I'm all yours baby girl" I said as she laid her hand on my chest. My body shivered a little, not from the cold or anything.

Her hands traveled up my chest to below my collarbone, over my shoulder where she used her finger nail to trail the lines of a tattoo. "Do you have any tattoos?" I ask without lifting my eyes from her hand. "No, but I want them."

For the next 20 minutes I watch her hand roam my tattoos before I think it's time to go to bed. "It's bedtime baby girl", I watch her wriggle around to find a comfortable spot before I turn the lights off, sleeping with her face towards me of course.

I turn off the light and wrap my arm around her waist and snuggle her as I drift into sleep.

Quinn POV

My eyes flutter open and the first thing I notice is the sun isn't in my face but a very tattooed chest. I look up and see my mates face sleeping on the pillow beside me. He kept his promise.

My eyes travel down his face to his neck, to his shoulders and his arm wrapped around my waist to snuggle me into him.

I move my eyes to his chest again where I stare at his tattoos, he has some beautiful tattoos.

My eyes travel downwards and I see 3 parallel scars on his stomach that I didn't notice yesterday, I wonder where they're from, I shake my head I shouldn't think about that.

I go back to his face to admire my beautiful mate, after so long, it's been months since we 'met' at the party if you can call it that.

I raise my hand to caress his cheekbone down to his a little bit round nose, and trace my hands down to his soft pink lips. The lower one is a little fuller than the upper.

I raise my eyes to his only to find them open. "Good morning love, found something you like to look at" he smirked.

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