Chapter 17

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Quinn POV:

I blushed and tried to hide my face from his view with my hair, but obviously that didn't work.

He tugged my hair behind my ears, but when I tried to cover my face with my hands he grabbed my wrists and rolled me over on my back and he hovered over me.

"Don't act shy now love" he said while keeping my wrists on each side of my head, "it's okay to look baby, I know I'm handsome".

We just stared at each other while I laid on my back, morning sunlight shining in from somewhere, casting him and the room in golden light.

Handsome couldn't even begin to describe him, as I laid on the bed with him standing atop of me and couldn't move since he held my wrist I let my eyes travel over him again. I bit the corner of my lip while my eyes raked over his body, his sexy tattooed body, he was built and he was built good.

It was easy to see he trained a lot and kept himself well, his muscles were big but not huge.

My eyes traveled down to his six pack and I licked my lips to wet them, so many pictures of his muscles straining and flexing above me while fucking me flooded my mind and went straight to the place between my legs.

His eyes darkened and no doubt he could smell it. "Let's go eat breakfast before I decide to eat you up" with one last squeeze to my wrists he released me, "come on".

That wouldn't be too bad fire huskily said.

I stare at his back from where I'm sitting at the kitchen island, watching him move around the pans on the stove and sometimes grabbing something from the cupboards.

"You said you Will explain everything once I came with you". He goes rigid and he tenses up for a second before letting go "I will, I promise, it's just not the most comfortable things to talk about for me".

5 minutes later he places a plate in front of me and the stool beside me. "Here you go, I swear I'm a better cook than this I just didn't know what you liked and don't so I went for an omelette".

"It's fine thank you." We begin to dig in and soon find ourselves in an awkward silence.

With a sound that sounds so loud in the silence I put my knife and fork down on the plate before I turn to him and clear my throat, "I guess you can start with your name".

"My name is Micah Cantrell." I nod, when he hasn't continued after 3 minutes I say "you promised me, if you're not gonna tell me I'm just gonna go" and get up from my stool to leave.

When I pass him he catches my wrist and tugs on me so I land in his lap. "The reason I didn't seek you in the start is because I have a very haunting and dark past, present and future that I can't let go".

I looked into his eyes and silently begged for him to say more.

With a breath he could have shattered the whole world. "I'm the Alpha king."

What?! My body went numb as my mind zoned out to grab the words. What?! But how?

I snapped out of it and came back when he continued: "technically I'm not the Alpha king," he winced "I'm his brother".

I gasped, "what? How?! But he never had a brother?". He lifted me and put me back on my stool, still holding my hand and rubbing circles on it.

"A long time ago, the Alpha king before this one, the one whom I guess you could call my father, meet his mate." He took a pause and a breath.

"He was very happy he found her, except there was one problem, she was a witch. Some people were against a mix between different supernaturals and some didn't care, he was one of those who didn't care, they were happy and they loved each other".

"They were happy for many years, then, he started cheating"

I gasped and he took a large inhale and exhaled, he said it wasn't comfortable to talk about and know I could see it.

"As time went on he grew more distant towards her, less affectionate, defending her less when a witch hater called her an evil witch or a whore, and spending more time in pubs and around women".

"Then my mother became pregnant with me, it was a difficult period where the number of haters grew every day, but then I was born.

My mother couldn't have been happier, and my father couldn't have been more disgusted having a werewolf and witch hybrid as his first heir".

"My mother was treated like a lowly servant, getting pushed around and ordered around by everyone while her husband sat in pubs with a woman on his dick, and if she complained even the smallest, he would beat her up".

He took a shaking breath and rubbed his face while I rubbed his hand with one and took the other hand in my hand. "No, I have to finish this" he sniffled.

"When I was 4 he had an affair with one of his lovers and got her pregnant, no one minded or said anything cause she was a werewolf. Then the day came where my little step-brother was born, Magnus von Dirr, the one you know as your current Alpha king".

"Ever since he was born he always pestered and annoyed me, calling me a witchling and many names. For many years my mum watched on from the sidelines until she couldn't take it anymore, she went up to my father and the arguments began.

He was so annoyed about me, my mum, everything, and the arguments just made him more angry, until one day he snapped.

I was cleaning the floor when he killed her, I tried to get to her because I thought I could save her or do something—" he let out a little huff like he was laughing at himself— "but I was grabbed and kept on the side while I was forced to watch her lifeless body hit the floor".

He let out a shuddering breath and it took awhile before I said something. I gasped, "oh my god, that's horrible".

He looked away so I couldn't see his face but I went over and straddled his lap as I cupped his cheeks and lifted them so he was forced to look at me.

"Hey" I kissed his lips. He grinned at me and I kissed him again as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

Something downed on me.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"262" he answered quickly.

My mouth popped open in an 'o', "wow, I got mated to a grandpa, you're so old".

"Im not that old" he said back.

"Yes you are, you're so ancient, I can't believe I'm mated to a grandpa, we probably have to watch your stamina and your heart" I crossed my arms.

His eyes darkened as he grabbed my waist, "a grandpa that will bend you over and spank you whenever he wants" he growled "I'll show you stamina little girl" he started kissing my neck causing me to let out a quit moan and bit down.

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