Chapter 1

17 0 0

Quinn's hair ⬆️
Quinn's POV;

"Wow, your sister seem really nuts to pull such a big stunt of a party where she invited the whole pack." Melody said as she took a sip of her monster.

"And to think it isn't even her 18 birthday yet, so there is no reason why she makes her birthday such a big deal. She is such a spoiled little brat." I could only snort and laugh in response as I looked down on my much worn sneakers.

"You're right about the spoiled brat thing."

If you are wondering what we are talking about then let me tell you. We are talking about my dear sister (note the sarcasm) Emory who is 1 year younger than me and a real typical mean girl and a pink girlie girl.

But we are currently talking about the big party she is throwing tonight at her 17th birthday, a big party where she invited the whole pack.

You should think that or parents would shut her idea down since the last couple of rogue attacks that happened a few days ago, but no, she has always been favorite child and got everything she wished for, while I'm the "disappointment" child because I have friends like melody who apparently is 'bad influence' because she smoke, drinks and have tattoos.

"She's nothing but a spoiled bitch who cakes herself with too much makeup." She said as we both watched the smoke she blew out of her mouth and watched it disappear into the air.

She turned to me as she studied the frown I had on my face. "You're not really thinking about going, are you?" She asked as she rearranged her legs onto a criss cross position.

"I think I have to. Besides, she pulled her sad card on me In front of mom and dad" I grumbled.

A sad card is what she uses when she wants something and she might get told no, whenever she uses it in front of mom and dad they get sad that they are the reason for her (fake) tears and gets her whatever she wants and spoil her even more.

"Ohh ouch" she said as she looked like someone just hit her in the stomach. I looked above at the sky and gave a breathless laugh, but it was soon gone as I saw the text from my mom saying I needed to come home.

"Speaking of the devil" I said as I got up from my sitting position.

"If you ever wanna ditch the party tonight then you know you can always text me and Alex." Alex was her mate, I only meet him two times but he is really nice and fun.

"I know" I took a sip of her monster and put it down, "see ya later" I said as I ruffled her hair which I knew she hated. She mumbled a few curse words as I walked away with a laugh.

"I'm home" I shouted as I slammed the front door. "Good, go and get ready we only have two hours before the party" my mom said as she came out from the kitchen in a green floor-length dress.

I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room. I opened my closet thinking what the hell I should wear as I tapped my food in a waiting stanza, as if an outfit would appear out of the thin air.

I had been to parties with Mel and other people before but this is the birthday for Mrs. perfect I had to look 'perfect' or she would throw another fit in front of mom and dad.

I spent 5 minutes before I settled on a dark navy blue dress with spaghetti straps and black heels to pair it with, so I quickly went in the bathroom and changed.

The dress hugged me tight so it highlighted my ass and boobs and reached to my mid thigh, it fitted good against my olive skin and white pink hair. My hair was natural waves and I didn't need much makeup, just some eyeliner and matte pink lipstick.

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