Chapter no. 34 Christmas Eve

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Ella POV

It's Christmas coming. Days are turning into weeks, weeks are turning into months. Everything seems to be going fast.

Sebastian and I are busy with work. He didn't asked me again about living together I don't know but I do feel bad that he didn't asked me again but again it's better if he don't cuz I won't say yes and he would again get upset and I don't want that.

It's Christmas Eve and we all are celebrating it at Lucas's mansion as it was his wish.

I was getting ready in my room.

It was a prefect Christmas day and did a cute makeup like glossy makeup that's perfect for the eve.

The girls are also getting ready.

We all sat in the car and took off to Lucas's mansion

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We all sat in the car and took off to Lucas's mansion.

His mansion was so big it was freaking beautiful.

He decorated it as per Christmas theme his living room was pretty.

We walked into his mansion while holding hands. He greeted us with his beautiful smile.

"Hello ladies. Looking gorgeous as always" Lucas said.

"Thank youu" we all sang together.

"Darling you look so much beautiful" He said to Laura with so much softness and adoration in his eyes.

I can see there love is growing. I have a gut feeling they are going to be together forever this love isn't that comes by and goes by.

"Thank you love" Laura said and kissed each other.

"Come ladies let's seat outside you all can chit chat till everyone comes" Clara bf is coming Olivia's too.

And Mine. Heheh.

We were chatting for so long everyone came except him.

I'm trying to call him for an hour now still he is not picking up the call it's almost dinner time.

"Hey Ella where is Sebastian?" Olivia asked me.

I didn't know what to say? He is not picking up my call and I'm starting to feel uneasy.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen I'm here" He walked in backyard where we all are sitting on the big dinning table.

He was smiling. He was looking so exquisitely beautiful, gorgeous. His eyes are bewitching. His smile jaw dropping. He sat beside me.

His smell embracing me before he could. I felt ease now. His jet black hair his heavenly honey eyes.

His subtle beards. He wore his a black shirt with black trouser with his upper two buttons left open.

"Hey mi amor you are looking beautiful as always" He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

I smiled at him.

We all settled and the dinner was served. We were eating while talking about anything.

"Hey shouldn't we all go to a good trip" Clara suggested.

We all agreed. "100% we all should go". Lucas said.

"You know yesterday when me and Mark were at the mall for shopping what happened? There was a small kid I walked up to her and asked her name but rather than saying that he griped my hair so tightly I'm telling you these kids grip is stronger than anything". We laughed and felt sorry for her hair loss.

" Heheheh I'm sorry for your hair loss" I made a sad face.

We all ate our dinner the table was cleaned by the maids and we all walked to the couch that was in the backyard with bonfire in between.

We all sat coupled up. Suddenly all the lights went off.

We all gasped and I held Sebastian tighter. He made sure that I was safe in his arms.

Suddenly we saw a small light as I tried to see it properly I saw a diamond ring box and that light was coming from that ring box.

What the actual fuck?? This is happening I can't believe it.

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