Chapter no.11 Vulnerable

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Show me all the parts of you that you don't love so I know where to begin.

Ella POV

These days went pretty fastly. It's been four days since I started working there nothing bad happened yet. I and Sebastian both were busy with our work. Most of the time he is not there.

Something I have noticed is that he always has his bodyguards around him lately. Whenever I enter his office I make sure to greet them but they always just look straight at me.

That's ok with me. It's kinda their work not to get friendly or something like that.

Tomorrow is the weekend and I'm planning to invite Sebastian for a dinner tonight. Hoping he would say agree as he is busy all these days.

As I was leaving my workplace to home I thought once I should visit him and talk about the dinner.

Everyone left I took the elevator and walked towards his office. I knocked on the door.

"You may come in," he said tiredly.
I walked towards his desk and didn't how to ask him about the dinner so I was looking at him as he was wrapping up his things.

"So did you just came up all the way just stare at me" as he took his suit off.

"No no, I just wanted to invite you tomorrow for the dinner at my place," I explained. He just nodded his head.

"Thank you at 7 pm ok? Then I'll take my leave bye" as I was about to leave he spoke, " wait I'll drive you home".

"No, it's fine I'll manage".
"I didn't ask you I told you". He didn't leave any room for arguing.

As we both exited his office both bodyguards started to follow us. I felt a bit unusual like someone is always following you I understand it's for safety but can't help.

"You both can take the other elevator" he ordered them. I felt relief.

We both entered the elevator. "Can I ask you something? And now the working hours are over so I'm not your employee ok." I said.

"Sure. So now what you are mine?" He smirked. I just ignored his question. I really don't know what our relationship is. "Why these bodyguards?"

"For my safety" he shrugged. "I know that but why now?" I questioned. "Lately things have been a bit rougher that's why". I just nodded. I wanted to tell him to be safe but I keep it in.

After reaching the parking lot floor without looking back he walked out towards the exit. His legs were long his one step and mine two steps. I felt like a lost puppy running behind him.

He opened his car and sat on the driving seat. I just looked at him. He got out from his side and opened the door. I smiled at him and kissed his cheeks.

After we both settled he roared the engine and we took off.

The drive is silent so I decided to break the silence. " Where are your bodyguards?".

"They are in the car behind".
" Ok".

"You are a mafia, right? Then why a fashion company? That doesn't make sense".

"If I had any other kind of business like tech or whatever it is easy to suspect and fashion is so much far away so that why. I'm interested in fashion too by the way."

"That's smart," I said while making a proud face. It isn't like I'm supporting him for the illegal.

"I know," he said in a cocky tone.

"I'm so tired," I said while sinking more in my seat. He took my hand massaged my palms a bit. He rubbed his thumb on the behind of my hand.

I look at him softening my eyes. He looks so beautiful. I wish I could just hug him and sleep in his arms. I wanna feel safe in his arms.

"Sebastian" I whispered but clear enough to hear him. He hummed in response.

"I never got my father's love much. I never really felt male love in my life. My mom passed away when I was 14. My teenage was not so good too always with restrictions. I can't wear this that no boyfriends. When I left my home with the girls I fought with him. I love him but I can't live like that too" I felt so vulnerable that a tear left my eyes without knowing.

He stopped the car and wiped my tears and kissed my forehead to comfort me. He hugged me. I squirmed in his arm I felt so safe. I wanna be in his arms forever.

I hugged him tighter. He gently pulled away and kissed me. His lips against mine were so soft, warm, and wet.
His warm hands cupping me. My hands were on his shoulder.

My heartbeats were getting calm. My body felt relax. I pulled away to take a breath. We both started into the eyes of each other. I last time pecked him on his lips and smiled at him. I didn't realize we already reached home.

He came to my side to open the door for me. I step out and kissed him on his cheeks.

"If I'll get kisses I'll keep opening the door for you without forgetting" he smirked. I giggled and hugged him again.

"Bye take care" I waved my hand.

I walked towards the door but again ran back to him and hugged and kissed him.


Sebastian POV

As I driving back home I already miss her. Her smell was still in the car reminding me of her.

I felt bad for her. I just want to protect her and keep her safe. When she started crying she made me feel weak.

I don't know what she is doing to me.
I couldn't see her crying. She is too naive for this world and for me too.

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