Chapter no. 20 Olivia

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"It's lonely her and I miss your light"

Ella POV

"Hey what happened?" I asked getting worried. Something is wrong. "Olivia isn't answering her call and Mark too" Clara said worriedly.

"What!?" I said. "Yes, I and Laura will try to find her. I have called Sebastian for help. He will be here. You and Sebastian can go the other way to find her and Clara will be at home to tell us if she came home. Ok?" Lucas said clearly.

But why he has to call Sebastian. I can find her on my own. I couldn't argue with him as it is not the right time or situation. Soon Sebastian came and the four of us separated opposite sides to find her.

He opened the door for me and walked towards his side and sat. He buckled his seatbelt and mine too. I can do it for myself I want to say that to him but keep quiet. I don't know why. I guess I miss the things we had.

I was watching everywhere on street to find her somewhere. I was trying not to call her as Clara must be doing that. I was tapping my foot nervously.

"Everything is going to be fine. She must be somewhere near" he assured me. "Why she is not picking her call? I should try calling her boyfriend Mark." I said. The phone was ringing and luckily he picked it up.

On the phone
"Hello! Mark why we're you not picking up your phone for so long? Where is Olivia? You both were together she hasn't come home yet!" I blurted everything without taking a single breath.

"We both got in an argument just 30 mins before that's why I didn't pick up the call as I thought she must be calling. She should be home by now."  Mark said. He also got worried.

"That's what I'm trying to say she should have been home by now. Why do both of you always fight." I said frustrated.

"Don't worry I'm leaving home now to find just don't worry she must be somewhere there. I didn't mean to hurt her" he started to walk.

"I know you didn't mean to I'll hang up"  I hang up the call.

Where the hell she is? Laura called me. I picked the phone up quickly.

"Hello, Laura did you find her?"

"Yes, she is here at grandma's restaurant."

"Thank God she is there. Can please call Mark and tell him that where she is. He also left home to find her."

"Ok, I will. Just call Clara and tell her"

"Sure I'm coming there"


I hung up the call and looked at Sebastian. "She is at a restaurant it's an old lady's restaurant where we always go. I'm sorry you had to come all this way. You must be all busy and-" I got cut off by him.

"No, it's totally fine. That's good they find her. That's what is more important. Can you please direct me to where the restaurant is?"

"Yes, it is near the Riverside. I'll call Clara to inform her" I smiled at him. Damn he is so cute. Shut up Ella!

"Hello, Clara. Olivia is at grandma's restaurant don't worry she is fine. It's just that she and Mark again were arguing."

"Thank God. Let her come I'll see her. Listen, Ella, as you are going there can you please bring our favorite dish I'm craving it."

"Why you didn't have your dinner?" I asked.

"No I had but I wanna eat again."

"Ok I'll bring for all the four of us or else any four of us won't get to eat properly" I chuckle.

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