Chapter no. 25 Our moment

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Ella pov

My eyes were closed. I'm now conscious but I'm too weak to open my eyes.

I can feel someone held my hand and mumbled "Hey Tersoro I know it's all my fault. I'm sorry. I am really."

I realised it's Sebastian. What he is sorry for? Then all my memory recollected. Hell! Those men and a man even beat me.

I felt his head on my hand. I opened my eyes. I'm on the bed laying but it doesn't looks like hospital.

I try to move hand. He immediately looked up at me.

"Hey Tersoro, how are you feeling now?" He asked hesitantly. I just nodded my head indicating I'm fine.

I tried to get up. He got up helping me to get up. He held my hand like I'm a feather. Way too much fragile.

His one hand on my back giving me warm sensation. I got up properly. My ribs are paining I groaned a bit.

"Thank you" I said. He just nodded. "Where are others? I mean Clara, Laura, Olivia and Lucas. Are they fine?" I asked.

He looked a bit disappointed I don't know why or maybe I'm hallucinating or maybe I didn't asked him about him.

"They are down stairs I'll call them" he said as he was about to turn.

"Can you and Lucas please wait outside and send just the girls inside?" I asked.

"Sure" he went downstairs. I want to change my clothes, take a shower in ahort I wanna first get cleaned up.

I'm not wounded up badly so I can get cleaned up but I need there help.

The three of them came inside. They looked tried.

"Ellaaaaa how are you feeling? You ok now?" They all came inside shouting.

"I'm fine but if you kept yelling I might not be" I chuckled.

They all stood beside me.

"You know we were so scared. Thank God you are fine." Clara said putting her palm her chest sighing.

"I wanna take shower. Can you please help me and bring me some clothes?" I said. "Sure You don't even have to ask bitch." Olivia said.

Laura helped me to take bath. As our house was a bit too far away I had to wear Sebastian's clothes. The girls started to tease me as I came out wearing his clothes.

I felt a bit uncomfortable wearing the clothes without bra but it's ok. The clothes just smell like him. I started to blush.

"Come on let's go the dinner waiting I'm so hungry" Olivia said while pouting.

We all walked out downstairs. Sebastian and Lucas were waiting in the living room.

"Hey Ella you looks like a teddy bear in his clothes" Lucas teased me. I blushed so hard.

Sebastian looked at me and blushed. What?! Sebastian. Sebastian Gracia is BLUSHING.

"The dinner is on the table" a maid said and left. I looked around a bit. The interior was so elegant and modern. Amazing just amazing. This man has the best taste.

We all walked and sat on the dinning table. Wow the meal smells so mouth watering I'm so hungry then it hit me like a train I didn't had anything from yesterday's afternoon.

I didn't even eat much so that my waist will look smaller for party. I didn't eat till now so how much weight I might have lost.

I rested my hands around my waist so feel if my waist got smaller. It did got a little bit.

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