[7] A Trickle of Curiosity

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A little, soft foot stepped forward, 

toes sinking in the cool sand,

and before him the sea churned.

Tilting his head in curiosity,

the child gazed ahead, longing for serenity.

He yearned to step ahead,

test the waters, and let the fear shed.

But would he be able to do it?

Would his heavy body use its wit?

Will his frail arms hold on,

as the currents struggled to be forlorn?

And when the beings of the sea, 

humongous and of nasty misery,

splattered his vision with darkness,

would his heart grow meaningless?

Even so, he couldn't resist 

his curiosity growing limbs,

becoming an oddity,

worthy to twirl and exist.

Lest he lost his morality,

the child let his feet graze the path,

to his wretched and unending,

yet unfathomable curiosity. 

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