"You never told me that."

"Well, what's to tell? She was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, violence, and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds. You want me to believe in this stuff? I'm going to need to see some hard proof. You got any? Well, I do. Proof that we're dealing with a spirit."

Dean began to walk out of the sanctuary, leaving Sam and Karina together. Sam's eyes were getting teared up after listening to his brother's words about his mom. He turned to Karina whose eyes were on the ground, thinking. Sam swallowed his throat before he asked her a question.

"You do believe me, right?" Karina was playing with her fingers until she stopped.

She lifted her head high, then turned to the person on her right. Sam's tear ran down his cheek as he looked at her shallow brown eyes. She lifted her right hand, drying his teardrop with her thumb. Sam was staring at Karina's beauty as she wiped his teardrop away with no hesitation.

The surroundings between them were still as they both stared into each other's eyes.

Karina Leone put her hand down on her lap as Sam Winchester gazed deeply into her eyes. Without blinking, worried that she could get blinked out of existence. She softly smiled at Sam as she pulled herself out of the pew, and walked to the exit of the sanctuary.

His eyes were on her... then he followed her as he was hypnotized by her.

Huntress and the Winchesters were together at Father Gregory's tombstone, covered with dark green vines. They all crouched, taking a view of the plant. Sam inspected the plant, "That looked like-"

"It's wormwood... A plant associated with the dead, specifically the ones that are not at rest." Dean looked around before continuing, "I don't see it growing anywhere else, except over the murdered priest's marker. It's him, Sam."

Sam shrugged, "Maybe."


Dean looked at Karina and asked. "What about you, mutie?"

Karina shook her head, looking at the plant. Tilting her head at the view,  "Well, the plant proof is correct, and I do believe in angels. Sam, I think Dean is right, I think the whole world would stop if an angel would get involved in this. This is too good to be true... I do believe you saw something but... I don't know..."

Sam struggled with his words, "Guys, I don't know what to think."

Dean scoffed quietly and nodded his head. "Okay. You want some proof? I'll give you more proof."

Karina turned her head, "How?"

"We'll summon Gregory's spirit."

"What? Here? In the church?" asked Sam.

"Yeah." Dean stood up and Sam and Karina followed along as he continued. "Yeah, we just need a few odds and ends and that seance ritual in Dad's journal."

Sam and Karina followed Dean's footsteps as they both walked toward the exit. Sam muttered something that Karina was laughing at inside. "Oh, a seance, great. Hope Whoopi's available."

Sam passed Dean's shoulder, not seeing Karina smirking as she looked down at her boots. Dean grinned fakely at his brother's comment, "That's funny, actually. Seriously." Sam and Karina stopped to look at Dean who was serious. "If Father Gregory's spirit is around, the seance will bring him right to us. If it's him, then we'll put him to rest."

"But if it's an angel, it won't show. Nothing will happen."

"Exactly. That's one of the perks of the job. We don't have to operate on faith. We can know for sure. Don't you want to know for sure?"

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