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“What do you mean she’s dead?”

“Is this some kind of a sick joke?”

“Stop with this please.”

“Tell me where my Min Min is.”

“Do you have any idea how much I love her?”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Stop. I hate jokes.”

“Just stop…please….stop,” and with that, I fell to the ground as tears streamed down my face.

I looked at your body as it lay lifeless over the hospital bed.

How had all of that happened?

One moment, you were in my arms, and the next, you were simply out my reach.

You flew out of my hands like sand in the desert.

“Bring her back,” I wailed.

“Bring her back. Bring my Min Min back. Please. Please. I won’t ever ask for anything else. Please, bring my Min Min back to me.”

“No, this couldn’t be right. She was in my arms last night. I kissed her. She was okay. She was smiling. She was laughing. She talked to me. She was well. No, you guys are joking.”

“Cut this out, bastards. Tell me where she is,” I screamed on the top of my lungs.

And then suddenly, it was the day of your funeral.

I never remembered the details of the worst day in my entire life.

Perhaps my mind was too numb to process all that had happened that day. Or perhaps, I had blocked out the thoughts so badly and so many times, that I now couldn’t remember what had happened that day.

All I knew was that I was in pain; pain I had never known before.

You were alive and healthy and kissing me one day, and then the next, I was called at office and told to come to the hospital. And when I had, I saw you laying lifeless on the hospital bed.

They said that it was leukemia.

You had had it for about three years.

I just lay in bed all day, staring at ceiling.

Sleep never even touched me.

Hoseok had come to my home many times, but he had left after talking to me for hours or giving me some company, or just being there for me.

But I didn’t need a shoulder.

This pain was mine and mine alone.

I didn’t know how much time had passed, whether it was day or night, whether it was the same day, the same week, or the same month; hell, I didn’t know if it was even the same year.

All I knew was that I had lost you and that the world had stopped for me.

I left the piano for the first time ever in my entire life. It reminded me of you and that I was left alone. Again.

And then I was listening Hoseok’s voice somewhere near me as I laid somewhere in my home perhaps.

“Yoongi, it has been a week. You haven’t even moved. Get your shit back together, Yoongi. I know you’ve lost her. I miss her too. But she wouldn’t have wanted for you to slowly kill yourself like this.”

She wouldn’t have wanted. That was right. But she was gone. She was gone.

I kept thinking this over and over.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now