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“What are you doing, Yoongi?” you asked me, coming closer to where I sat on a chair and worked on sheet music.

“Working,” I replied and continued.

You came and plopped yourself on the table, peering down at my work.

 “Ugh, no, this won’t do,” I said.

“Yoongi, what is it?” you asked me.

I looked up to find your face peering down at me from where you sat on top of the table.

“I want this to be something more natural, to go with the flow, but this piece I’m working on isn’t coming out like I want it to. I have never experienced something like this, and I’m frustrated. I have been working for hours and I can’t get this to go with the flow.”

You nodded and hummed.

Then getting off the table, you stood up straight and extended your hand for me.

I tilted my head in confusion and you giggled.

“Just take it, Yoongi,” you told me and extended your hand in front of my face.

I took ahold of it and stood up.

You laced our fingers and dragged me somewhere.

“Sit,” you ordered once we were in front of the piano.

I did what you told me to do. Then you sat beside me and smiled.

“Come on, play something with me; together. It’ll take your mind off of things for a while,” you told me.

I nodded and we started playing.

Once again, I told the piano my story and it listened. I played my heart and soul out into the familiar keys, as your music intertwined with mine and created a melody so beautiful and peaceful, yet sad and sorrowful.

We kept playing and playing and in that moment nothing mattered; only you and I and the music. It was what combined both of us into one; two completely different beings woven as one by the music.

The piece faded away, until the only thing that could be heard were our breaths, as we had our eyes set on each other.

And before I even knew what I was doing, I started leaning in and pressed my lips to yours.

You were taken aback as it got you a moment to kiss me back, but you did it for sure.

The kiss was long and passionate, just like our music had been a few moments ago.

When we pulled back, both of us were breathing heavily.

I put my forehead on top of yours and closed my eyes, pulling you on my lap.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for; how long I’ve waited to taste your lips and feel them against mine,” I whispered.

You didn’t say anything and let me hold you in my lap, wrapping your arms around my neck.

“It’s time to sleep, Min Min,” I said softly after a while.

You pulled back from my embrace and nodded, yawning a little which made me smile.

“Come on,” I said softly and picked you up bridal style.

You didn’t protest and let me carry you. I could see you were tired as your eyes started getting droopy.

I was relieved to have you with me so that I could personally take care of you and your health.

Placing you gently on the bed, I went back to my room and found an over sized sweat shirt and pajamas and came back to your room.

You were half asleep when I entered your room.

“Sit up,” I told you.

You obeyed and sat up slowly, eyes half closed.

“Work with me a little, Min Min,” I told you but you just seemed to drift off into sleep.

Taking the hem of your shirt, I got it off you and gulped when I saw your body exposed to me like that.

Not concentrating onto that fact, I took my sweat shirt and slid it down your petite figure.

Then taking off your pants, I slid down my own pajamas onto your legs and finally laid you down.

You were asleep by now and I smiled.

I kissed your forehead and closed the door behind me.

Going back to my room, I changed as well and got into bed.

My thoughts drifted to the kiss we had shared a few minutes ago and I blushed.

And thinking about the kiss, I fell asleep for the first time in weeks.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now