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“She hasn’t texted back, Hoseok,” I whined to Hoseok, after waiting all day for your text.

“Yoongi, maybe she’s busy,” he said for the billionth time.

“But I’m kinda worried,” I said in a low voice.

Hoseok chuckled as he prepared coffee for both of us, and handing it to me, he came and sat in front of me, sipping it.

There was silence until Hoseok broke it.

“Yoongi,” he spoke softly.

‘Yeah, Hobi?” I asked absentmindedly.

“She will be fine, okay,” he said re assuring me.

I nodded and smiled a little. Hoseok was right, I was freaking out too much. There was really nothing to be worried about.

But perhaps I was worried because you were the only friend I had besides Hoseok, and perhaps because of my growing feelings as well.

I relaxed a little as I drank my coffee.

“Well, I have work now, Yoongi, I have to go, stay here as long as you want to, which you of course do every day, no offence,” Hoseok said, smiling.

I nodded, and watched him get out of his back room.

After finishing my coffee, I threw the paper cup in a dustbin, and made my way to the corner table, as I did every other day, waiting for you.

I worked on my laptop.

I was so immersed in my work I didn’t realize it was dark outside. I checked the time on my phone and it read 8:09 pm. It was way past my time waiting for you.

I was exhausted from work and stress.

Deciding to head home, I gathered all my things and when I was about to leave, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I flinched at the sudden contact and whipped my head around only to find you standing there, smiling a little at me.

I gasped, relief filling me, as I saw you standing in front of me.

I hugged you; an action which astonished me as well, but I did it nonetheless. I had missed you.

You hugged me back and I smiled.

“Min Min, where were you?” I asked you when we parted.

I wouldn’t have budged a single inch if it was someone else, but for you I really was worried. I had missed our friendship and hang outs, admittedly.

It was odd for me, and I never wanted to admit it, but Hoseok was right; you had changed me.

I didn’t know if it was a good thing or not, so I let time decide that for me.

“Were you worried about me?” you asked with a playful smirk on your pretty lips, which were red due to the outside cold you had come from.

“No, I-uh, forget it,” I mumbled, embarrassed.

I was about to tell you that it was late, when suddenly someone tackled you into a hug.

I rolled my eyes seeing Hoseok. You were my friend, and Hoseok was acting as if he was the one who had missed you every second of every day for eight days straight.

“Hoseok, get off her. Let her breath, she just came from outside,” I told Hobi.

He smiled and let you go.


I turned a deep crimson red when you looked at me and asked, “Is that so, Yoongi?”

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now