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“I have loved you for a long time now, Yoongi.”

“I don’t exactly remember when, but my heart started wanting you not long after we met.”

“I was new to this. I didn’t know what was happening to me. But it was clear that my mind went blank when I saw you, my soul erupted in flames, my body lost control of itself and my heart was no more mine.”

“It was a strange feeling, but soon I found myself wanting to be in your presence at all times. It was as if I needed you to breathe; as if you gave life to me. Before you, I was surviving; after you, I lived.”

The past month had been the happiest month of my life.

I took you out almost every other day; we’d eat, or go to Hoseok’s café, or try out different places, go to parks late at night or in the evening, watch the stars together, cuddle at nights, share long passionate kisses, or short goodbye kisses, hug and hold hands.

All these things were those I had never even thought of doing, but I considered myself lucky to be doing all that with you.

Playing a piano duet each night before we went to sleep was something I had become accustomed to in the past month.

I loved each moment I spent with you.

You brought color to my life and together we bloomed as one, like our piano duets.

In the past month, I had become even more attached to you.

You had resumed work, but I had insisted you stay with me and you had given in.

The intensity of my feelings for you increased as time passed but I was happy; I was genuinely happy since forever.

And you said you loved my gummy smile.

I had always hated my smile but the way you loved it, got me loving it as well.

Life was just perfect; waking up next to your face, making breakfast for us as you came up behind me and hugged me, going to work after a goodbye kiss, texting each other during work, coming home to a beautiful, loving girlfriend, cooking dinner together, eating together, then playing the piano afterwards, cuddling, kissing, hugging, talking and finally falling asleep.

On weekends, you would cook breakfast and we’d eat together in bed, then we’d go out or just lounge at home and play the piano for hours, sometimes you would play and I would just listen.

I loved you and your cute pouts when you wanted something. I loved you and your doe eyes. I loved the sound of your voice and your pretty smile.

I loved every inch on you and the best part was you reciprocated it with as much intensity as I did.

You made me the happiest man alive.

But I should have known better than to trust this happiness.


A/N Who is yall's bias?? I'm kinda curious!

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now