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“But Yoongiiiiiiii~~~” you whined, pouting and all doe-eyed, “I want to go there, come on now, you lazy person.”

“Min Min, I told you, we won’t be going to the amusement park,” I spoke firmly.

You huffed and turned away from me, folding your arms over your chest. I stared at your back for a moment, debating whether to go with you or not.

“Okay, fine,” I muttered at last.

You gasped and beamed, throwing yourself and hugging me.

“Thankyou, Yoongi, you’re the best,” and taking my hand, you skipped your way towards the amusement park.

We spent the remainder of the day at the park. You held my hand all the time, which kept giving me constant butterflies in my stomach.

It was evening, and we were just about to go home, when I felt a tug at my arm. I turned back to see you looking sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes playfully at you.

“What now, Min Min?”

You smiled wider and pointed your finger in a certain direction.

“No way, Min Jee, we’re not going on that. It’s late and it’s time to go home,” I told you.

“Please Yoongi?? Just this once?” you pleaded.

I gave in to that too. You really had changed me and I was finding it harder day by day, to refuse to you.

Sighing, I simply nodded my head, as you flung yourself in my arms for the billionth time that day.

You ran towards the roller coaster and quickly bought us both tickets. We sat in it and soon it was starting, moving forward on its track.

You beamed as you saw ahead of us, and seeing you happy made me smile a little as well.

The roller coaster started going up. Upon reaching the climax, it stopped for a second, and then began moving downwards. You screamed and held my hand tightly as the roller coaster moved downwards.

A while later, we got off of it. You held my hand as we left the park.

“Min Min, are you alright?” I asked you, once we were away from the entire crowd and the commotion.

You bent down to your knees as you tried catching your breath. But why were you suddenly out of breath?

“Min Min, listen to me are you okay?” I asked, worry now evident in my voice.

You slowly moved your head up and gave me a weak smile, followed by a nod.

But I knew you were not okay.

The roller coaster ride was certainly not the cause of your shortness of breath, yet you were running out of breath.

“Min Min, let’s just go home now, okay?” I said crouching down to your level.

You nodded meekly and straightened. We made our way away from the park and headed in the direction of your home. Your breaths were heavy all the way to your home.

“Min Min, loot at me, you don’t seem okay,” I said, as I held you back and looked at you, trying to find something in your face.

“I’m fine, Yoongi, I just need the warmth of my bed and I’ll be great then,” you said.

I didn’t say anything as we walked back.

I was worried about you, and I kind of zoned out in that worry, when I felt you fall over me. I turned to look at you, and you were breathing heavily, your eyes almost closed.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt