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“Yoongi,” you said in a small voice.

I looked up to see you looking down.

We were sitting in the same café, but you weren’t laughing like you did every day. I had already failed in an attempt to try and ask you, but you said it was nothing.

“Yeah, Min Min,” I said.

Min Min was the new nick name I had given to you. Min Jee was beautiful, but Min Min seemed cute, even though I wasn’t the type to do cute shit and give cute names, but you made me do the impossible.

I always called Hoseok Hobi because he was my best friend. Other than him, I had never given a nick name to someone.

You looked up and smiled cutely at the nick name. It had been quite a while now, since I had given you this name, yet, each time I called you Min Min, you would smile.

I found all of this very cute and so I would sometimes call you Min Min a lot even in one sentence so that I could see you smile more often.

Your smile always lit up my whole world and I never wanted to not see you smile. I was crazy in love with every little thing you did.

It was as if you had wrapped me around your finger and I only thought about you and obeyed only you.

But I was happy.

You finally told me what you wanted to.

“Yoongi, today is our three month friendship anniversary, let’s go somewhere,” you said, looking down and fiddling with the hem of your jacket.

I smiled when you finally told me what had been bothering you all day.

So you wanted to go somewhere with me.

But as soon as that thought came to my mind, I blushed a deep red color.

It would be like a date, wouldn’t it? 

I was a little nervous but hanging out with you was always the best so I decided we should give it a try.

“Well then, Min Min, tell me where you want to go and we’ll go there,” I told you.

Your head shot up and you beamed at me.

“Really?” you said, practically jumping in your seat.

I chuckled a little.

“Yes, really, Min Min,” I told you.

You sat back down again and thought about where we should go.

“Hmm… how about we go to the nearby park? Its quiet there, we can sit and enjoy the cold evening there and see the beautiful lake and the orange trees there and then we can maybe drink some coffee and….What do you say?” you asked; looking at me expectantly.

I smiled.

“The park it is then,” I told you, and you shot out of your seat and before I knew it, you had engulfed me in a hug.

You were usually the one who made any physical gesture among both of us. I smiled as I hugged you.

“Thank you, Yoongi,” you mumbled in my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“Let’s get our coffee and head to the park,” you said enthusiastically, getting out of my arms.

The sudden sense of your warmth left my body as you pushed me up and told me to get us a coffee.

I went to the counter and got us our favorite coffees, and then after paying, we went outside.

The cold suddenly hit us and we shivered a little, but drinking our coffees, we made our way to the nearby park, which was mostly empty due to the chilly weather.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now