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My feet carried me to the café, where we last met three days ago; the day you had taken me to your secret spot in the park.

The next day I went to the café to find a  written note with Hoseok from you, which said that you won’t be able to come to the café for a few days, and that I’d know it when you came because you would come at the same time at the same café, when you were done with your ‘work.’

I was kind of disappointed. A few days could mean any number of days, and while I shouldn’t have been gloomy that you left, I was dreary.

You didn’t tell me what kind of work it was that you were going to do, and it made me a little uncomfortable to know that where ever you were, or whatever was it that you had to do, you’d most probably be alone.

So, the first day, I went to the café, and sat there, after completing my work. I waited, but of course you had mentioned a few days, meaning you would take more than one day to come back.

But in any case, I wanted to go to the café, in case you came back; not wanting for you to feel lonely if you did.

The next day was the same. I just got a coffee, and waited there, looking around. I went to the piano and played it, but it seemed kind of glum without you.

The next few days passed the same; I’d complete my work at office, go to the café, get a coffee and something to eat, play on my phone for a while, until it got dark and then I’d get up and thanking Hoseok, I’d go home.

While working on my phone one day as I waited for you, I realized that we had never exchanged contact numbers. If we had, I could’ve at least texted you to ask if you were doing okay.

But then, you didn’t seem the type of person who texted often; in fact, I had barely seen you use your phone.

I wondered how Hoseok had reached you. Maybe he’d have your contact number and then I could just text you asking how you were since I had no way on contacting you, and I had begun to grow worried.

Thinking that I’d ask Hoseok for your contact number, I made my way towards the counter to look for him.

Not finding him there, I moved to the back room and saw him there, working on his laptop.

As soon as he saw me, he jumped up and came to hug me.

“Yoongi!!!!” he exclaimed happily.

He gave me his sunshine smile and gestured for me to sit.

I did as told and he came to sit in front of me.

“Hobi, I need a favor,” I told him.

“What kind of favor, Yoongi?” he asked me.

“Well you see, Min Min has been gone for almost a week now, and we never really exchanged contacts. So, I was hoping you’d have her number,” I asked him hopefully.

He smiled.

“You have been spending thrice a week with her for the past many months, yet, you didn’t ask her for her contact?” Hoseok asked.

I smiled sheepishly at him and he let out a sigh.

“What kind of a person are you, Yoongi? At this point, I wonder how you even have my number,” he said, scolding me.

I was his hyung, yet, he was my hyung in many ways. He always took care of me and was always kind towards me.

Hobi was my best friend, and I never regretted choosing him as my best friend. He was the perfect best friend for me, and even though there were times we argued or didn’t share the same opinions, Hoseok still acted as my best friend, and always made kind, cute, gestures expressing his love.

The best thing about Hoseok was that he never left me alone. Even though it was sometimes annoying how he’d come to my apartment and sit there for hours bothering me and stuff, yet, that way and in many more, he made sure he visited me and took care of me, which he knew that I couldn’t do so myself.

I smiled at the thought.

“Alright, I’ll give you her contact number,” Hoseok said.

But I knew the undertone in his voice really well.

“But, you’ll have to go with me to a party tonight,” he finished, beaming at me.

I knew it. I knew Hoseok too well to not know the change in his voice.

“No, Hobi, you know very well, that I don’t like crowded places,” I told him.

He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms on his chest; his manner very business-like.

I knew this Hoseok so well.

“Do you want her number or not, Yoongi? Either you go to the party with me for a few hours and get her number, or, you don’t and don’t get her number,” he said, leaning forward, and smirking a little.

“The choice is yours, my friend,” he said, and then leaned back in his chair again and looked at me.

I sighed.

Hoseok always had his way of making me do whatever he wanted. Either he would be all cute and adorable, or he’d be business-like.

Either way, I’d always end up saying yes.

I took back everything I thought about him. He certainly wasn’t being kind towards me; he was blackmailing me into going with him, just for a contact number.

But then again, I needed your number to make sure you were doing alright.

Hoseok sat there, still in the same position, with his hands folded on his chest and his tongue poking into the side of his cheek, as he studied me.

He knew very well what my answer was going to be.

I sighed and leaned forward.

“Alright, I’ll go with you, Hobi, but just for her number,” I said, not sounding too desperate.

I was sure Hoseok had caught onto the desperation in my voice, but the happiness of getting with his way, and making me go to the party with him, thankfully, was enough for him not to pry more on the subject.

“Well then, see you at eight, Yoongi,” he said.

I nodded grimly.

“Oh now, now, don’t be sad Yoongi, you need a change of environment, so it’s for your own betterment,” he said and smiled.

I glared at him.

He put up his hands in surrender.

“Alright, Yoongi, I get it, geez, don’t scare me like that. Oh, and I’ll send you the address, be there by eight,” he said.

I nodded, and giving him one last glare, I walked out of his cozy back room.

Gone Forever • Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now