Chapter 22 : Love's a Mess

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"Hide inside the wardrobe" Alina whispered to Ethan while dragging him towards it. She opened it hurriedly and pushed Ethan in. He tried to adjust himself in it, bumping his elbow and knees here and there against the inner walls of the wardrobe. "Shit" he muttered but before even uttering what caused him say so, Alina banged the doors onto him.

"Come in Mia" she welcomed her in and started looking for her headphone so that she can bid Mia a farewell as soon as possible.

She looked in her bag, on the side table, on the bed, shifting the pillows and the things on it but no, it couldn't be found anywhere.

Why can't she find her headphone in this critical situation?

"I really don't know... I was just listening to songs just this morning!" Alina spoke as she scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Oh your husband's song huh?" Mia teased and Alina stiffened as she knew that Mia was talking about Ethan,
who is unfortunately hiding in the wardrobe in this room and the worst of it, he can clearly listen whatever they talk.

"Husband? What are you talking about Mia? Help me find the headphone first." She tried to divert the topic for her own good sake.


"Shut up"

Mia roamed her eyes over the room until she glanced up at something,

"Why aren't you searching in the wardrobe Al? Maybe it's there." Saying these she started taking steps towards it.

"What? NO! It isn't there" Alina quickly blocked her way. "I'm sure it isn't there Mia" she tried to convince Mia by putting on an assuring gesture on her face.

"You never know Al, lemme check it once" with that she put her hand on Alina's shoulder to move her aside.





"So...." Zev said taking a bite on a big pizza slice.

"So what?" I asked him.

"So you are my girlfriend now."

My heart flew to Mount Everest and jumped off from the peak already.

"What???!?!?" this person surely knows how to give someone a severe heart attack.

"Hey but you said that you'll think about it.." he said like a baby boy.

"Think....think.....find the meaning of 'think' and wait lemme process the whole thing first" she said in a go.


I looked up at him while he spoke again, "I'll wait until you say 'I love you' to me as well. I know it's different from your side as it'll take you some time to understand me behind the Zev people see me as-" 

"I already can see you as the real person, Zev" I assured him and his face lighted up as an attractive smile appeared on his lips, "I'll wait for you."

Very soon I thought in my mind. I just want to know him in person and get along with him even more before letting him know how much have I thought about him in all these years. I surely had a crush on him but now I need to know him in person. After getting to know him even more, I'm falling even deeper. My thoughts were scrambled as my eyes got fixed on something.

"Can you play this?" I asked Zev pointing at the huge piano kept beside the huge glass window, in his dining room. It was vast and well organized, covered with a thin, transparent plastic. I got immediately enchanted by it as pianos were always a kind of fancy to me.

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