Chapter 5 : Knowing You More

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Reaching the hotel, we all got off the car.

I offered to pay the fare and even though they forced to pay it, we didn't let them.

"Sir you are our guests for today and even as fans we would never let you do that. Please sir." I made puppy eyes and trio chuckled on me but, as soon as I looked at Zev his smile vanished.

Like why can't he smile more? Rude rock Argh!

Ethan said "Guys thank you so much. This was very sweet of you both." He looked at Alina. 

Ethan was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Zev telling, "Yes we never thought we'll experience to get encounter  fans like you guys. Thanks for the help but guys please, don't let anyone else know this right?" He ended with his usual cold tone.

Why does he need to be that cold all the time? His handsome face needs more smiles for his dimples to shine...Gosh his dimples!!! 

Ahh Get a grip on you Inaya!!!!!

I gave an assuring smile and said, "You have our words sir. This would never be known by any other person on earth."

Whoa Inaya you're good at speaking with this much confidence in-front-of your crush. GOOD! I mentally patted myself.

Alina booked another cab in the mean time which was to arrive in a minute. It was already evening and we needed to get back to our home. 

We looked at each other and had an eye-conversation that we need to leave now. She understood my notion and we bid our farewell to them but they were extremely humble and sweet to stay with us until our cab arrived. 

I never expected them to be so sweet. I mean they are celebrities after all and all the good shows they put up are for cameras right? Or maybe I was wrong in this case.

Soon our cab arrived and we took our seats sending our locations to our friends again since you never know what can happen. Safety first kids lol.

We waved them a goodbye and the driver was about to start the car when Zev called out,


Alina and I exchanged glances. He walked up to the car. His face was expressionless.

"Umm?" Zev scratched the back of his neck and asked, "Can I have your insta ID?"

What? Zev is asking for my insta ID? My crush is asking for my insta ID? That's great but wait- what was with that tone by the way-

"Uh...I? My .....What??!"

"I mean you can give your insta ID if you have an account. In case we require help, we can ask you as we cannot easily just ask anyone. I'm asking that for our own sake, don't overth-"

"I'm.. not.. overthinking." I stuttered but then firmly looked into his eyes...he didn't need to be so rude at the end. Umm never mind I shouldn't have thought so much anyway.

His face was still expressionless. But gradually it softened as he took out his phone to note my ID. I sat still, looking at him.

Can't these silver blue eyes hold a little more warmth in those?

Ethan spoke up, "Thanks again girls, it's been fun." He winked.

Alina spoke up looking at Zev instead, "Ye..Yeah sure but I mean yeah....Ahh...but if you follow her through your account your fans would surely make a big news out of it." 

Zev in no time replied "Oh Don't worry I have a personal account girls and I won't follow her back else my manager is gonna kill me." He averted his gaze onto me saying, "I'll just add you on to my dm list. Don't worry."

I smiled again. Smiling has become my job now. Uh huh....Stop Inaya... Control yourself...he's a celebrity! I kept on reminding this to myself.

Finally, we left the place.

"Huh that was a real long day and what the hell did actually happen? Like bro don't you think all these are too imaginative to be true" I spoke breaking the silence in the car.

She looked at me and said "I am still comprehending and out of all places why India? I mean media outside India sure portrays it in a way you know?"

"Now their mind is gonna change anyway...But why did they come here is still the unpredictable one bro. But lol they are gonna be doomed if any one sees them here and I am sure they lied to their managers because in no way their managers would allow them to come when they clearly know the growing ROCK4 surge here."

"LOL yes " said I and we blabbered on a little more on the events and reached home without even noticing anything else. Us and our endless talks totally making us lost as usual.

We payed the fare and made our way to our apartment.

Changing the clothes Alina went on to the kitchen to make us some tea since we were tired and tea was our love, the way to shoo away our tiredness in a second.

Alina poured on the tea and was making her way to the dining table when I, just opening my insta screamed out of excitement.

Calm down Inaya!! It's nothing but a DM!

Alina wandered why I was screaming some alien language and came to me with an irritated face. I excitedly said "Bro you don't know what happened OMG bro!"

She seemed to predict very well what happened as she said with the utmost calm gesture "Zev texted you right?"


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