Chapter 18 : Missing You

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I woke up as Alina removed the curtains of the windows letting the morning sun light hit my face. It isn't even morning, only a fade light in the dark bluish sky is visible which gave me a vague idea of the actual time. Damn, it's 5:30 a.m.!!! What made my sleepyhead friend wake up this early??

Realization hit me as I moved to a sitting posture still rubing my eyes. Right the tickets. 

Today we'll be booking tickets for the upcoming ROCK4 concert in Los Angeles.

"Bro hurry up!! It's gonna begin. Go freshen yourself. Hurry up!!" My sister almost pushed me out of the bed.

Entering the bathroom I stood in-front-of the mirror. My eyes were swollen and there were marks of tears on cheeks. I have been unnecessarily crying a lot these days, especially last night when I thought of going to their concert and seeing him again, I wasn't able to control my tears . It's been a month  since they left  but the effects of that are still visible on me as the parting caused me much heartbreak in the time period. 

It's my fucking fault that I can't think anything else except him, that I can't realize the difference between a star and a common person and lead myself to think numerous unimportant baseless things. It's all my fault. 

All I do is overthink.

He didn't even message me and left mine unseen on Instagram and here I'm trying hard just to make myself  able to forget him. The more I think, the more I get hurt. If it was not for my friends' and also my biggest dream to attend a concert of them, maybe I'd have never gone there in this situation. My eyes teared up again.

Probably, he even has forgotten me. Of course he would. The stupid brain of mine for some reason thought we would stay in touch.

I splashed water on my face tracing myself out of my thoughts. Enough of this, now I'm gonna lead the normal old life again thinking about anything BUT ZEV AND AFTER THIS CONCERT THERE'LL BE NO MORE ROCK4 FOR ME IN MY LIFE.

I got out of the washroom and saw my sister fully determined to buy a ticket at any cost getting prepared with her laptop.

"Come Inaya bring yours too ,hurry up!" She almost shouted.

"Bro chill people will curse us if you shout like this in the early morning." 

"Bring your laptop" she said this time whispering which made me laugh.

I opened mine and quickly logged into the website. We already got an email yesterday stating that we've been verified to buy tickets from the membership pre sale. So now we're gonna go.

3 minutes left before we get into the queue.

"Hello Mia! We'll get it today" I shouted with excitement over the phone.

< 1 minute left.

"Inu I'm freaking out" Mia replied over the phone.

"I got into the site" Alina shouted. 

Its been an hour since we've gotten into the queue and we are in the  long waiting process before getting the access to choose our seats. That's the vital thing, we need to get four tickets for the four of us, but then let's see how many of those we actually get as, not to mention, ROCK4 tickets' demand is something whose level is unbelievable. 

"Bro I'm choosing seats" I screamed as I was the first one to be able to choose seats. Alina came beside me, "You're sweating, Lord" she said turning on the AC in December and then lowered the music that we were listening to lower our tension. Ahh this is more stressful than my final semesters.

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