Chapter 14 : Cause We Love Chaos

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Inaya held the door open and said "Guys before you come in....our apartment in too small, since, we are just two students living here. I mean basically I don't know how to say this but two superstars like you getting into our trash bin home feels a little weird."

"Don't think so much, just let us get in." Zev said in a rude tone that made Inaya feel like he was still angry on her for that chilly-spray thing. She internally scolded herself.

She held the door open and let them get in. Suddenly, she saw a spoon lying on the floor just near the entrance. Stopping Zev seemed better to her rather than picking the spoon up so she left the door and hurriedly stood before Zev opening both of her arms.

"What?" Zev asked being confused.

"Um... nothing just wait-" he cut her off mid-way and said, "See if you are asking for sorry then you should know it's not gonna work like that." He took a step forward making Inaya take a step back. "Now, move please?" Zev said. Whoa asking me to move instead? I was just trying to help you You! You need a lesson Mister!Now go and trip over that!!

She replied, "Okay" and stood sideways making way for him. He glared at her with his eyes which were already red, and while doing so, he tripped on the spoon and fell down hard.

Inaya controlled her laughter and while her eyes met his, she looked away as her control was getting doomed seeing him. Zev glared at her sitting on the floor. Wait for the pay back later.

Ethan went to help him getting up but instead, tripped on the same spoon. This made Inaya give in and laugh out loud along with her sister with hands pressed against their mouth.

"Sorry guys...I mean..uhh sorry!!" Alina extended her hand to help them get up while Inaya closed the door but Ethan pulled Alina down too making her fall .

Wow...a Humpty Dumpty show is going on here.

"Thanks to the spoon we got a Humpty Dumpty show here...even if you guys weren't sitting on a wall!" Inaya blurted out and held her mouth immediately.

Ethan and Alina laughed out while Zev smiled looking at her. She's crazy, no doubt.

"Let's go to your rooms" Ethan said while getting up.

Inaya and Alina looked at each other which made it seem like some kind of tension's going on around them.

"Is there any problem?" Ethan asked again seeing them contemplating on that for a long time.

"No no, let's go" They still seemed worried.

Entering in both of their bedrooms, now they actually found the reason of what was making the girls think for such a long time. The whole room's congested with various kinds of books, God knows will it be one thousand or even more if counted, dust being present on some of the shelves makes it even 'prettier' lol (note the sarcasm), along with their clothes thrown over here and there.

Inaya and Alina gulped down and tried to smile when Zev and Ethan looked at them with widen eyes.

"Well... we told you! It's always this girl throwing things here and there while I keep arranging them all the day!!" Inaya said looking at her sister.

"What? No ma'am, it's mee who keeps arranging those." Alina replied crossing her hands.

"OKAY" Ethan almost yelled to make them stop, "Fine, let's do this together."

Zev said in utter disbelief, "No way!  You wanna clean this jungle?"

"And you are coming too" Ethan replied pulling him by his side.

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