Then a flash of childlike joy appeared in the only eye Knut possessed. The Jarl at once began to stroke his beard with pride, straightened up like the proudest man in the world, lifted his head up, and pointed with his hand to the pennant.

- Nice of you to point that out Rainer. - He admitted, almost in a whisper. Rainer knew that Knut was speaking very quietly, so he had to strain his hearing as much as possible. - I figured that since the demands of the order you want to introduce are completely contrary to those of Jarl Magnar, these colors would be appropriate. You see, black is the opposite of white and green stands in opposition to red.

- I also like the color green. - Said Rainer, smiling from ear to ear. - Will you allow me to use these colors on the shields of my warriors from now on? These colors perfectly reflect the nature of our cause.

- Ofcourse. - The deer replied quietly, smiling even wider.

Suddenly, the heavy door of the feast room opened. Rainer and Knut immediately turned their gazes in that direction. The wolf then furrowed his forehead and his lips curled in a sign of anger and hatred. As soon as the guards began to lead Magnar into the room, his and Rainer's gazes immediately crossed. Sure enough, the sinister jarl stared into the wolf's face with the same emotions as Rainer.

Magnar strode proudly and silently past the numerous guards of Jarl Knut. Although the wolf was considered to be a tall man, he was at least a head shorter than Magnar, whose above average height often caused panic among the Christian warriors. He was not muscular, although the strength in his arms could not be denied. He was also not a young man, as evidenced by the many gray hairs on his head and body. Magnar himself had a color scheme of black, reminiscent of night, white associated with snow and red. A red so intense that it could have been mistaken for blood. The man was clad in a heavy iron chain-mail and had a cloak of white and red hanging from his shoulders. His hand was adorned with a ring made of pure gold and a large, glittering emerald placed in the center of it. The gaze of his sinister eyes, although green, was nothing like the glow of the irises of his son, Colin. Actually speaking, it was the gaze of one green eye, for the other was as black as coal. Even though the color of green was the same, it seemed to be completely different to Rainer.

Rainer was afraid of Magnar when he was still a teenager. The man's appearance alone did not portend anything good. His sinister reputation, which only began to gain fame later, made him even more feared. He was the most powerful leader in Northern Scandinavia, and his power and opinion were to be reckoned with. Rainer's parents knew this, and for years they had gifted this tyrant with much of their harvest. When they passed away due to a plague that ravaged the local population at the time, the then thirteen-year-old wolf took over their duties. These were difficult times for Rainer, who was undernourished and often went hungry. Despite this, the boy survived and managed to become famous among the peoples of the north. During the invasions of France and England, Rainer's fighting skills were becoming increasingly popular, much to the displeasure of his senior, Magnar. When the wolf personally killed one of the English Kings, everyone in Scandinavia knew his name. Unfortunately for Rainer, it didn't take long for Magnar to react. We all know what happened next.

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