Chapter 11

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Instead of going to his next class Noé grabbed Louis and dragged him away somewhere more private. Right now Noé didn't care about missing class.

"Noé we shouldn't skip class just because you want us to have alone time. Not that I'm complaining." Louis tells Noé with a smile as he too wanted to be alone but not for the same reason as Noé.

Noé looked at Louis in the eyes with a hint of anger, Louis wondered what he did wrong. "I know what your trying to do Louis." Noé tells Louis.

Louis smiled at that "If you know then why don't you help me. We can ruin the Cold-Hearted Prince together my love." Louis happily tells Noé like this was a normal thing to do to others.

It shocked Noé of how Louis could be cruel like this "Non." Louis looked surprised as he looked at Noé "Why not? You hate him just like me and the others right? We can ruin him and make him leave the school." Louis tells Noé.

Clenching his fist tightly as his bangs covered his eyes. "I won't do it. I won't stoop so low like this. I don't even know you when you talk like this Louis." Noé tells Louis as that shocked him.

Louis gritted his teeth "I'm doing this for you Noé!! Vanitas shouldn't even be here or alive at that matter!! I want that man to suffer until he breaks!! He's a jerk and coldhearted to those around him!!" Louis shouted angrily with so much hate towards Vanitas.

This was not the Louis that Noé fell for, this was a part he never saw of him. Noé eyes widen at seeing this part of Louis "I'm breaking up with you."

Those words made Louis shut up now as his eyes widen. "Why?! Is it because he threaten you or what! Tell me that he's making you do this Noé!!" Louis was yelling not wanting to believe Noé was doing this on his own.

Looking away from Louis with a sad expression "I can't be with someone like you. I never even seen this cruel side of you Louis and I can't believe you would do something awful to Vanitas. He hasn't done anything wrong to you at all. So I'm breaking up with you."

With that Noé walked away leaving Louis by himself. Louis clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in anger 'This is all Vanitas fault!! He's the reason why Noé broke up with me!! I'll ruin him no matter what!!!' Louis yelled in his mind.

From the distance away was Johann watching and listening. Johann had listening devices around the school just in case anybody tried to harm his savior Vanitas.

Johann glared at Louis from a distance "You deserve that and many other things coming your way Louis De Sade." Johann mumbles to himself as he sent the others the conversation Noé and Louis had.

Noé stomped away, he saw Vanitas going behind a building. Noé was already late so he decided to go after Vanitas.

Vanitas knew that Noé followed him after all this is one of his plans. He saw the footage of Noé and Louis break up. "Vanitas!" That stopped the Cold-Hearted Prince in his tracks.

Scowled appeared on Vanitas face "Great. Now your following me, is this a desperate move to win your little game?" Vanitas acted like he didn't know Noé was following him.

Noé looked away "Well no. I saw you and just decided to see why you weren't in class...?" He asked Vanitas. "I didn't want to go. Amelia will just take notes for me." Vanitas puts on an annoyed look.

What was Noé suppose to do now, he couldn't think of anything to talk about. Noé also couldn't tell Vanitas that he was following him.

A smirk crept up as Vanitas grabbed Noé collar and pulled him down. Noé eyes immediately widen at this, Vanitas lips were pressed against his own lips. Vanitas was kissing Noé and Noé didn't know what to do.

After a few more seconds Vanitas pulled away licking his own lips. "Your lips were pretty soft and rough at the same time." Vanitas tells Noé with a smug look.

Noé was flustered as he couldn't move his mouth and looked away. "Your lips were soft..." Noé could only bring himself to say that and nothing else. Vanitas was surprised by that but laughed at it too. "And here I thought you would push me away and yell at me. Hahaha!"

Suddenly both Noé and Vanitas phones vibrated as they took it out. Vanitas eyes widen at this "You got to be kidding me!" Vanitas shouted in irritation. Noé was surprised as he read the text loud.

"Noé and Vanitas are assigned as partners to help each other to improve their academics. You must work together and submit an essay of what you both have learned about each other. You two are not the only ones participating in this the whole school as well is."

Noé finished this as Vanitas kicked a pebble "Urgh! Stupid school giving us a stupid assignment like this!" Vanitas shouted at no one in particular.

Vanitas crossed his arms not liking this at all. Noé couldn't understand why Vanitas was so against the assignment. "Well I guess I won't have to lie to my friends now since we are now doing an assignment with each other." Noé says with a smile.

A frown was on Vanitas face as he looked at Noé "You sound so happy about not having to lie. So Prince Charming hates lying." Vanitas says as Noé nodded with a smile. "I hate lying."

Vanitas smirked at that "Fine but we meet up at your place." Vanitas tells Noé, he nodded but spoke "Why don't we at least work at your place once?"

That was Noé mistake, Vanitas gave him a cold glare "Non! If I'm going to do this assignment then it has to be at your place or we can do it outside. Or here at school." Vanitas told him with a cold tone. Noé looked at Vanitas with a concern look.

Noé watched Vanitas stomp away "Vanitas." Noé whispered his name quietly.

To be continued

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