Vanitas & Johann

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There was a boy who looked to be fifteen years old. He has long white hair and wearing glasses. He was made fun of at school and by his own family.

This boy was named Johann, he was at the park feeding the birds. "Damn it! Where did that stupid quack run off to now?!" Johann looked to see a boy looking irritated.

"Excuse me." He looked at Johann "Yeah what is it?" He says a little irritated still "Are you looking for a friend?" Johann asked him. "Well you can call him my friend but yes I'm looking for a boy."

Johann nodded "I can help you if you want. Oh my name is Johann by the way." Johann held out his hand so he could shake hands with the boy. "My name is Dante." Dante shook Johann hand.

Dante looked at Johann "I'm looking for a thirteen year old boy who has black hair that's irregularly cut and his eyes are light blue. He also has piercings and one of his earring is an hour glass." Dante explained what his friend looks like to Johann.

Johann was surprised to hear a kid younger then him had multiple ear piercings. "And just to warn you. He can act a little like a psycho." Dante warned him.

Of course Johann didn't quite understand Dante. "Why are you alone anyways? Don't you have any friends to hang out with." Dante asked Johann, Johann stopped and looked at the sky now.

"I don't have any friends. Everyone makes fun of me especially my family. So I really don't like going home and when I do I hide in my room. At school I even get bullied by both students and teachers."

Dante looked at him in shocked, Johann sadly smiled "It's always been like this. So I'm used to it already." Johann tells Dante.

Hearing that made Dante stop in his tracks "How could you say that. Don't you care for your well-being at all. Don't you want to get revenge on them all? I sure as hell would want that." Dante asked Johann.

Johann looked at Dante surprised "Why would I want that? I don't see the point in getting revenge, won't they just get you back in the end." Johann says to Dante.

Dante clutched his fist 'I need to tell that quack about this! Maybe he can help him out from suffering like he did with me and Amelia!' Dante thought to himself.

Before Dante could say anything he heard his name being called "DANTE!" He turned to see Amelia who was dragging Vanitas by the arm. "I found him."

Amelia was smiling happily, Vanitas noticed Johann. "Who is he?" Vanitas asked Dante. Instead of Dante answering Johann did instead "Hello my name is Johann."

Vanitas stared at him "My name is Vanitas and this girl is Amelia." He simply introduced himself and Amelia.

Johann smiled nervously now as he turned to face Dante. "Well your friend was found Dante. I should get home now." Johann tells Dante. "Goodbye." He left them.

Amelia looked at Dante who was staring at the teen. "Dante is something the matter?" Amelia asked Dante, he looked at the two now. Dante didn't know how to tell them but Vanitas knew right away.

"Fine. Let's get all the information on Johann and his situation." Vanitas tells the two as both Amelia and Dante smiled at Vanitas. Of course he scowled at them both.

Johann was home now as he snuck to his room. Even thought he successfully got to his room he heard his families voices. "Urgh! That brat is home." "Great do I have to make him food?" "Nah let that brat starve."

They always did that when he gets home, they would never feed him. Johann would have to sneak food once they go to sleep. They would beat him if they found out or when their angry for no reason.

A few days passed since he met Dante and his friends just for a brief moment. Johann honestly enjoyed talking to Dante and hopes to chat with him some more someday.

Johann received some injuries from everyone. His arm was even broken because a teacher dropped a metal ball on his arm.

Johann threw his bag on the ground and sat down in the dark. He didn't bother turning the lights on in his room.

"I want to be free." Johann says hugging his knees. Then Johann remembered what Dante told him about wanting revenge on them.

Could he even get revenge on them? He wasn't strong so he wouldn't be able to. Johann hated how weak he was and hoped someone could help him. "Oh my. You look miserable."

Johann jumped "Who are you and how did you open my window?" Johann asked not bothering to yell or scream for help at all. He knew his family wouldn't care if he died.

The moonlight hit the boy who was sitting on the window still. "The moon is lovely isn't it." Johann recognize who it was "Your Dante friend Vanitas." He whispered.

Vanitas grinned at hearing that "I'm surprised he would call me a friend but I guess that will do for now. So wanna tell me why you look so miserable." Vanitas asked him.

It's not like Vanitas needs him to explain since Dante and Amelia got all the information that he needs to know. "I-I just hate my life here. No one cares about me. I'm not strong enough to get revenge. I'm just going to give up on life now."

That made Vanitas laugh "Haha! Is that all! Hahaha!" Vanitas jumped and landed in Johann room floor as Vanitas bent down to him. "Then allow me to get revenge for you. That way you will never have to suffer ever again." Vanitas tells him.

Johann eyes widen in fear a little but hearing that made him happy "D'accord." That was all Johann could manage out of his mouth.

Vanitas smirked as he stood up "Alright. I'll get started now." Vanitas says with a look that brings fear, he walked out of Johann's room. "Hey! Don't go down there! Please!" Johann was worried for Vanitas.

"Don't worry about him."

Johann turned to see Dante "He'll make sure you won't suffer any longer." Dante told him as Amelia was next to him. "Yes like he did for us." Amelia says with a smile.

Johann didn't know what they meant "STOP!!!" "DON'T KILL ME!!!" "AHHHH!" Johann heard screaming from downstairs. He stood up and ran to see what was going on.

Once Johann made it he was met with dead bodies of his family members and blood everywhere. Standing there was Vanitas covered in blood "Hahahaha! That was too easy! Hahaha!"

Vanitas turns to face Johann "Hey four eyes." Johann flinched a little "Do you wanna join my group?" He asked Johann with a smile.

Dante and Amelia came down to see the massacre that Vanitas caused. Vanitas held his hand out "So do you want to join?" Vanitas asked again.

Johann looked and without a second thought he reached for his hand. 'This boy is my savior. He recused me, so in return I will give him my life.' Johann thought to himself.

"I'll join you."

"Right answer. Welcome to my group Johann."

To be continued

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