Vanitas & Amelia

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A teen that was thirteen years old was walking alone. Her name was Amelia Ruth, she was always alone. She couldn't go to school because her mother and stepfather wouldn't allow it.

They treated her as a servant, they didn't treat her like a human being. Amelia was taught that she was nothing but a servant. That she was worthless. A trash. Those are what her mother and stepfather told her.

Amelia had three bags in her hands, people whispered and looked at her. "Look at what she's wearing." "Pfft. What a dirty girl." "She should just kill herself."

Amelia wanted to cry so bad "My what a pretty lady you are." That surprised her as she looked up to see a boy "Eh? Who is pretty?" Amelia asked the boy.

The boy walked up to her as she found his eyes pretty. "You are of course. Let me introduce myself, I am Vanitas." He introduced himself kissing Amelia hand.

That gesture made Amelia blush "And may you do me the honor of letting me know your name?" Vanitas asked her.

"My name is...Amelia Ruth..." Amelia introduced herself without realizing it. "What a pretty name for a pretty thing like you." Vanitas complimented Amelia.

People we're staring and found it disgusting of how a handsome boy like Vanitas was complimenting someone like Amelia.

And Amelia looked down knowing what their all thinking. "I must go now..." She whispered sadly. Vanitas noticed as he grin "Then allow me to help you with those bags. They must be heavy?" He asked her.

Amelia shook her head "Non! I'm sorry I need to go!" Despite the bags being heavy Amelia ran pretty fast.

Vanitas found it amusing "Oh my. What an interesting withered flower she is." He mumbles to himself, the people were talking about Amelia and Vanitas heard every word.

A smirk appeared and now this was getting interesting to Vanitas. He walked off planning to run into Amelia again.

The next day

A vase was thrown at Amelia "Ow!!" Amelia cried out. "You useless trash! You got the wrong chips!" Amelia stepfather shouted at her. "I-I'm sorry..."

Amelia mother walked in with a cigarette in her hand. "Your trash." She opened the fridge to find her drink not there anymore.

She glared at Amelia and stomped to her. She slapped her and burned her with cigarette marks. "Your worthless! You didn't get my drinks you useless piece of trash!"


They abused her more, outside Vanitas was watching from a roof. "Oh dear. That poor soul needs some help." Vanitas says to himself.

"You going to help her?"

Vanitas didn't need to turn around "Of course Baldy. It must hurt you to see her suffer like how you once did." Vanitas tells Dante. "I'm not bald! And hell yes, someone like her doesn't deserve that."

Vanitas hums "I got what you wanted." Vanitas glanced at Dante for him to continue "Her name is Amelia Ruth. Her father bailed on her and her mother. Because of that Amelia mother blamed her for her husband leaving, she married that bastard and he treats her bad too. Her mother and stepfather won't put her in school. Everyone in town knows how she's treated and they treat her the same way like those so called parents."

Dante finished giving Vanitas the info he found out. "Interesting indeed. So they all know. Hahahaha! This is like how your neighbors knew and I punished them for it as well! Hahaha!" Vanitas laughed at that.

Of course Dante still didn't understand Vanitas but he still gave him his loyalty. They saw Amelia leave the house and Vanitas stood up "Keep an eye on them and everyone in this damn forsaking neighborhood."

Dante nodded "Oui." He simply answered as Vanitas disappeared to go after Amelia.

Amelia was in pain and tears streamed down. She was ordered to get her mothers drinks and stepfathers snacks and the right ones. "I hate this...I want to die..."

"What a terrible thing to say mademoiselle."

That made Amelia turn around to see Vanitas with a grin and arms crossed. "Want to tell me why you want to die?" He asked Amelia. She flinched then looked down.

Could she even tell a stranger like Vanitas about her life? Would he treat her the same way like everyone else? Amelia was scared.

Vanitas walked up to her "Don't worry I won't treat you like how they do. Tell me Amelia." Vanitas tells Amelia, to her it sounded like a order. "I'll tell you..." She tells them.

They stayed in silence for a few seconds until Amelia spoke "You see my father left me and my mother when I was very young. Because of that she blamed me and soon she married my stepfather. They treated me nothing more then a slave. They refuse to put me in school saying trash doesn't need to learn. They abuse me every single day. Everyone in this neighborhood knows and they treat me the same calling me names saying I should just die. I hate it. I want to die."

When Amelia looked into Vanitas eyes, her eyes widen. His eyes were cold and filled with anger in them. "How about I go and pay them a visit?" Vanitas suggested.

Amelia felt it. A killer aura surrounding Vanitas. She was afraid. "N-Non. I can't let you come..." Amelia says fearing him but also not wanting Vanitas to get hurt.

And so Amelia ran from him again.

She got the stuff she was ordered to get. "I'm back..." Amelia announced that she was back with their stuff.

Suddenly her stepfather grabbed Amelia by the wrist and threw her to the ground. "Stay still!" He shouted at her. Amelia was scared "Go ahead honey! Take her and make her feel pain!"

Hearing that made Amelia kick and scream "N-NON! ANYTHING BUT THIS!" She screamed already knowing full well no one was going to help her. "I said stay still!" He punched Amelia.

Amelia was sobbing, she would rather die. Amelia closed her eyes tightly "Gah!" Something wet fell on Amelia as she slowly opened her eyes.

There above her was blood dripping from her stepfather neck. "Non! I beg you to spare me!" Amelia's mother screamed for her life.

Amelia was frozen she couldn't move, she couldn't even move her now dead stepfather body. Someone kicked his body off of her "Hey, you alright?" There that kicked the body off was Dante.

Dante helped her sit up and gave her a rag. "Clean your face up." He told her. Before Amelia could say thank you she heard a scream from her mother.

"Hahaha! You don't get to beg for life! Your the trash here! Your a filthy bug who deserves to die! Hahaha!" Vanitas stabbed her over and over till she couldn't move or scream anymore.

Blood was on Vanitas as he laughed from seeing her dead and bloody. Vanitas stood up walking towards Dante and Amelia.

Amelia flinch and Vanitas noticed "Do you fear me?" He asked her. Dante just stood by keeping watch, Amelia looked at Vanitas.

Vanitas held out his hand "If you don't fear me then come along with me. You'll be help to me you pretty little thing." Vanitas tells her.

It was like Amelia was in a field of flowers and Vanitas was her light. Amelia eyes widen and she reach out her hand to his. 'He saved me. I don't fear him. He is my light. I'll do anything for him, I'll give him my life.' Amelia thought to herself.

"I don't fear you. Please take me with you Vanitas."

Vanitas smiled at her "Then let us go." He tells Amelia.

To be continued

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