Chapter 41

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Vanitas laid back down in the bed "Let's just go back to sleep now." He tells Noé as he lays on his side with his back facing Noé. The taller looked at him silently but decided to lay next to Vanitas.

"What are you doing?!" Vanitas shouted at Noé as he turned to look at him. "Sleeping next to you, you're not fine at all Vanitas." Noé tells Vanitas surprising him at what Noé just said to him.

That really surprised Vanitas but realized how close their faces were, it made Vanitas slightly blush. 'Why is my heart pounding so fast...I never felt this feeling before...yet it feels so familiar...' Vanitas thought to himself.

The two stared into each other eyes as Noé leaned in 'I can't help it...I love you so much Vanitas...I miss holding you in my arms...' Noé thought to himself as Vanitas blushed and closed his eyes. Their lips touched each other as they both kissed each other.

After a few seconds the kiss the two shared broke as they were both blushing. "Y-you k-kissed me..." Vanitas mumbles to himself as Noé blushed and nodded "Sorry, I couldn't help it at all." Noé tells him still looking him in his eyes.

"Did you hate the kiss?" Noé asked Vanitas as the smaller shook his head while blushing "For some reason I really like it..." Vanitas answered him shyly, he averted his eyes a little.

Noé blushed but he was happy that Vanitas loved the kiss "Then can I kiss you again?" The taller asked him as Vanitas nodded "Yes you-" but before Vanitas can finish his sentence Noé room window broke as the two sat up right away.

It was windy but they could hear someone giggling and you can see their blue eyes in the dark. "Who's there!" Noé yelled as the said person spoke up "It's been awhile hasn't it big brother but I don't think you remember me yet." It was Mikhail.

Vanitas eyes widen at this "...M-Mikhail..." his mouth moves on his own, Noé looked at Vanitas "Do you know him, Vanitas?" Noé asked him. "Ah! Big brother do you finally remember me?" Mikhail asked him with a smile which was towards Vanitas while ignoring Noé.

Noé looked back and forth between the two 'He has the same eyes as Vanitas...' Noé thought to himself as he looked at Mikhail same eyes that were the color of copper sulfate. "I don't remember him but I seen him in my dreams..." Vanitas answered Noé looking at Mikhail still.

Mikhail looked sad now and puffed out his cheeks "So mean!" Noé looked at Mikhail now "Get out before I call the cops on you right now!" Noé shouted at Mikhail as that made him giggle now 'Why is he laughing?'

Both Vanitas and Noé both stood up from the bed right away. "I didn't come here for you, I came here for big brother." Mikhail tells them as Vanitas glared at him. "I don't remember you so I won't go with you." Vanitas tells Mikhail coldly.

Suddenly Noé eyes widen as he realized something 'Wait Mikhail! Isn't he like Vanitas brother and didn't he die by him too?!' Noé looked at Mikhail with his eyes still widen, Mikhail was frowning at Vanitas.

"You still don't remember me at all...or father?" Mikhail says as Vanitas looked at him, his eyes widen at that. "Father? Don't you mean Luna..." Vanitas mouth moves on his own again, Mikhail grins at that.

Noé looked at Vanitas "You might not remember but deep down you do remember big brother! You can never run away from your past no matter what!" Mikhail says with a chuckle and a smile, Vanitas fell to his knees grabbing his head.

Noé went on his knees and held Vanitas close "Vanitas are you okay?! Hey! Can you breathe?!" Noé shouted worriedly for him, Vanitas was having a hard time breathing and mumbling to himself "...L-Luna...M-Mikhail..."

"Breathe Vanitas! Look at me and take deep breaths!" Noé tells him as he had Vanitas look at him, Vanitas was slowly regaining his breathing again. This of course made Mikhail frown and angry by how Noé was helping Vanitas.

Mikhail hated the sight of seeing this side of his older adoptive brother. 'How could he listen to the likes of that man?! This isn't like big brother!' Mikhail yelled to himself in his mind while clutching his fist.

"Big Brother you're a terrible person you know." Mikhail says with a cold look and a frown, he really hated seeing Vanitas happy like that. Mikhail wants to bring back the Vanitas that he knows before he lost his memories.

Hearing that made Vanitas look at Mikhail with widen eyes "What do you mean...?" Vanitas asked Mikhail, Noé stood up "Hey shut up! Don't you dare say such awful things to Vanitas!" He tried to stop Mikhail but he continued to speak.

"You killed father and even tried to kill me, big brother. You're such a cold person that doesn't care about anyone but himself at all either." Mikhail tells Vanitas as the black haired teen eyes widen more after hearing that "W-What do you mean..." Vanitas says quietly.

Noé looked at Vanitas "Try to ignore his-" Noé words were cut off by Mikhail as he smirked at them both. "I'm not lying big brother you really killed father and tried to kill me! See here's proof!" Mikhail showed them his left arm.

To be continued

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