Chapter 39

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"Don't touch me."

Noé was surprised by that "Look even if we started getting along doesn't mean that the me now will accept it." Vanitas tells Noé with a slight glare as he touched his head a little.

'I also feel like seeing him or being touched by this guy would be painful for me...' Vanitas thought to himself. Noé looked at Vanitas '...Maybe he feels like he shouldn't trust me...' Noé thought to himself as he pulls back. "I'm sorry...I just..." Noé stopped mid sentence.

Noé didn't know what to say, Vanitas looked irritated "Look here. I don't trust you right now even if you claim that we know each other. So don't you dare touch me at all." Vanitas tells him coldly.

This reminded Noé of how cold Vanitas was to him and to the others. Noé looked down "Je suis désolé, I shouldn't touch you when your not yourself." Noé apologized to Vanitas.

Vanitas for some reason felt bad "Hey-" but Vanitas cut himself off, he didn't know exactly what to say. He knew that he was someone that was really bad at expressing feelings. He glance at Noé "Look I'm sorry. If you say we know each other then I guess I'll try to get to know you again." Vanitas looks away.

Noé smiled at hearing that as his eyes shined too "Really! I can't wait to be friends with you again!" Noé happily says to Vanitas, suddenly Vanitas looked at the doorway. Noé tilted his head "Is something wrong Vanitas?"

"Can you check if someone is at the door or if they left something." Vanitas asked Noé as the older teen nodded and got up to check outside of the room. No one was there but he looked down at the ground there was begonia and a note attached to it.

Noé picked it up and walked back in "Someone did leave something, they left begonias and a note." Noé tells Vanitas as the teen narrowed his eyes at the flowers, he had a feeling that the person that left them was giving him a message.

The tanned teen puts the flowers in a vase on the table. It irritated Vanitas that Noé was such an idiot for not knowing anything. Vanitas got off the hospital bed and slapped the vase to the ground as it shattered and ruining the flowers.

Noé looked at Vanitas "Why did you do that Vanitas?" He asked him. "Begonias are beautiful but there is a meaning to it, 'There is danger up ahead.'. I don't like it at all." Vanitas says as he walks out of the room without even grabbing the note. Noé ran after Vanitas "You can't just leave the hospital, your still hurt."

Vanitas managed to make it outside by going through the exit. He sighs "I don't care. I don't want to be in there any longer." Vanitas says as he walks but then stops as he sighs again.

When he stopped Noé also stopped as he looked at Vanitas "What's wrong Vanitas?" Noé asked him as he looked confused. Vanitas blushed a little then looked away quickly. " that I don't even know my way back home. All Amelia told me is that we lived together and I forgot to ask where at. Do you perhaps know?" Vanitas asked Noé.

Sadly Noé shook his head "Non. You never really told me where you lived. You have been to my place a few times though." Noé told Vanitas, the black haired teen blushed once again.

Hearing that made Vanitas warm of knowing he's been there before. 'Why is my heart beating so fast and why am I feeling so warm...' Vanitas thought to himself. "Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"

That snapped Vanitas out of his thoughts "If you don't mind that yeah." Noé smiled brightly "Let's go to my place then." Noé happily tells Vanitas as he followed the taller male to his place.

The two made it to Noé apartment as they were inside "I only have one bed." Noé tells him as Vanitas looked at the couch "I can sleep on the couch or floor doesn't matter to me." Vanitas tells Noé, the taller looked at Noé "Non! Your still hurt so you sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." Noé tells him.

Vanitas was about to refuse but once he locked eyes with Noé, he knew that Noé won't back down. "Fine. Can I borrow some clothes?" Vanitas asked as Noé smiled and nodded.

Noé grabbed some clothes and handed it to Vanitas "Here you go Vanitas." Noé says with a smile as the other just took the clothes "I'll go to the bathroom and change." Vanitas tells Noé as the taller nodded with a smile "It's on the left side." Vanitas nodded and went to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom

Vanitas locked the bathroom door as he took his shirt off. His body was still wrapped in bandages and he was still in pain whenever he moved but he held in the pain. He flinched each movement he made " hurts..." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

He changed into the clothes Noé let him borrow and as he saw how big the clothes were he opened the door. "This is huge!" Vanitas shouted as Noé chuckled at that.

"Your so small Vanitas." Noé tells Vanitas as he glared at the taller male. "Your a very tall tree!" Vanitas shouted again as it made Noé sadly smile as he remembered Vanitas said something similar.

Without realizing Noé spoke "You said the same thing the first time too..." Vanitas looked at Noé confused as he saw the sad smile. "What do you mean by that?" He asked Noé.

Noé now realizing his mistake "Its nothing! So are you hungry?" Noé tried to change the subject as Vanitas knew what he was doing but decided not to press. "A little." Vanitas answered Noé.

That made Noé smile brightly "Well we can do take out if that's fine...I don't really know how to cook." Noé tells Vanitas as he frowned. "You live alone yet you can't cook? Are you an idiot?!" Vanitas shouted at Noé again.

"I'm sorry! I was never taught my childhood friend always cooked for me and he even cleaned for me before I stopped hanging out with him." Noé tells Vanitas as the shorter male stared at Noé. "Was he your boyfriend?"

Noé nodded "Yeah he was but then I was seeing a side of him that I never saw before." Noé tells Vanitas as he nodded "What brought that side of his out?" Vanitas asked Noé.

The tanned male gulped and felt scared of telling Vanitas. "...It was when someone started appearing in my life...someone that became special to me..." Noé tells Vanitas.

To be continued

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