Chapter 13

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Vanitas stopped walking and turned around to see who called out his name. There standing was Louis De Sade, Noé ex boyfriend. Louis was staring at Vanitas as Vanitas just stood there with a frown.

Louis smiled a little "Did you come back from Noé apartment?" He asked the Cold-Hearted Prince. Vanitas smiled back "Of course. We had that stupid assignment and we were paired up together right after your break up." Vanitas tells Louis happily.

It felt gross being nice. Vanitas hated being nice especially towards Louis the person who is trying to ruin him. Louis glared at Vanitas "We're just taking a break." Louis tells Vanitas.

That made a chuckle escape from Vanitas "Oh. You think your taking a break, that's very funny to hear. Wanna hear something I kissed your ex." Vanitas told Louis that he kissed Noé.

Louis eyes widen at that, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. Vanitas smirked as he started to walk "One more thing. You can try all you want to put me down but you'll be the one to fall in the end." Vanitas tells him as he left.

Hearing that made Louis mad 'He knew! He knew I'm trying to ruin him! That bastard!' Louis thought to himself as he glared where Vanitas once stood. "I won't give up. I'll ruin you for sure!"

To Amelia

Amelia was humming as she was washing dishes. Not long did she hear the front door open and close "Vanitas are you back!" Amelia yelled from the kitchen finishing the last of the dishes.

Vanitas walked to the kitchen "Non, I'm not back." He tell Amelia. She giggled at him "So how was it? Did you have fun with Prince Charming?" Amelia asked Vanitas with smile.

It was silent for a few seconds, Vanitas sighed "Boring." Vanitas simply answered Amelia as he went to the fridge to grab a cold bottle of water and opened it to drink it. "On my way home I ran into his ex." Vanitas tells Amelia.

Amelia looked at Vanitas "What happened? He didn't hurt you or anything?" Amelia asked Vanitas as she went up to check if he has any wounds. Vanitas laughs "Me hurt! Hahaha! He would be the hurt one! Hahaha!"

Vanitas calmed down from laughing "Vanitas I'm serious! I don't want to see you get hurt!" Amelia tells Vanitas. He looked at Amelia as he sighed.

"Even if he tried to hurt me, he wouldn't be able to. You know that Amelia." Vanitas smirked "Plus I just got a perfect plan in mind." Vanitas says happily.

Of course Amelia should know that Vanitas would never allow someone to harm himself or his friends. Amelia nodded with a smile "Let's watch a movie now." Amelia suggested.

Vanitas grinned "I know the perfect movie!" Amelia face then turned blue. Vanitas loves watching horror movies while Amelia hates watching them. "H-How about a happy movie tonight Vanitas?"

The scared look made Vanitas want to laugh and tease her but he held it in. "Fine. I'll allow you to choose the movie tonight." Vanitas says as he noticed her sigh of relief.

With that the two watched a funny and action movie as they ate popcorn.

The Next Day

The headmaster office door opened by the headmaster himself, he stopped as he saw someone already in his chair but facing the other way. "What are you doing in my seat and office?!"

A hum was heard "I'm sorry I just barged in here. I only came here to ask for a favor sir." The person turned the chair around to face the headmaster.

"Louis De Sade."

Louis smiled at the headmaster, the older man sighed as he walked to his desk. Louis got up and moved to the guest chair. "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit this early in the morning?" The headmaster asked.

The headmaster sat down and looked at Louis in the eyes. "I want you to kick Vanitas out of school." Louis says like it was nothing, like this was normal to ask of.

Hearing that made the headmaster nervous a little, he gulped a bit too. Louis was waiting for his reply "I'm sorry but I can't do that. Not even for you or your family." The headmaster declined the favor.

Louis eyes widen a little "Why! Vanitas needs to be kicked out, he doesn't deserve to be here!" Louis shouted at the headmaster "Vanitas does deserve to be here. He is a very smart young man and has potential to being a doctor as well." He told Louis.

That just made Louis more mad as he stood up and stomped away without another word. Once Louis was out of sight the headmaster sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness that wasn't Vanitas. I thought he would have came for my head because of that assignment that Mr. Fortis decided to do." The headmaster mumbles.

He wasn't only glad that Vanitas didn't ambush him but he was also glad that Louis left without a fight. Yes the headmaster was afraid of Vanitas for so many reason but he did mean what he said about Vanitas deserving to being there.

With Vanitas he was walking with Amelia "Are you going to tell me of this plan of yours?" She asked him. "Plan? What plan?" They turned to see Dante and Johann.

Vanitas sighed "Great. You found me already." Dante glared at him "What the hell quack!" Dante shouted as both Amelia and Johann sighed, Vanitas ignored him. "I have a plan to get under Louis De Sade nerves and to break him too." Vanitas told him.

The three looked at him as they looked curious now "What is it?" Johann asked Vanitas, he smirked at them. The group did not like that smirk or that glint in his eyes.

Vanitas put his hands on his hips "I decided to try and get Noé Archiviste to fall for me." Vanitas tells them as they blinked and looked confused at their friend/leader. "Fall for you? Do you mean like fall in love with you?" Dante asked him.

He nodded "Yep!" Vanitas says with a grin "That's not a bad idea. He can also find out more information on the De Sade family too." Amelia says as Johann nodded "And maybe Noé Archiviste has some kind of important information to share too." Johann agrees as well.

Dante sighed "I guess it's not that bad." He also agreed with the plan. It wasn't a bad plan and Vanitas is going to enjoy watching Louis freak out. Not to mention it was already like the bet that him and Noé made but it changed a little.

To be continued

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