Chapter 28

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Vanitas pushed away the feelings he feels welling up in his chest. 'What is Noé doing here?! I-I can't let him know it's me.' Vanitas says to himself in his head.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to help him come up with a new plan. Suddenly Vanitas remembered that he had guns. "There not really my style but if I can get out of here then so be it." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

Luckily Noé couldn't hear Vanitas, he still hasn't figured out that was his boyfriend Vanitas. Noé looked at Jean Chastel "You should go now! Get some-"


Noé eyes widen. A little bit of blood got on him but all he did was watch Jean Chastel fall to the ground. A bullet to the head. Noé turned to see a gun in Vanitas hand.

"Why would you kill him!"

Hearing Noé shout like that made Vanitas flinch a little. 'I never heard Noé yell like that at all.' Vanitas thought to himself.

Vanitas once again bit his lower lip, he then remembered that Johann made a voice device that changes his voice. He got it out and use it so Noé wouldn't find out it was him.

Noé looked at the Blue Moon with hate in his eyes. "I killed him for a reason. Jean Chastel is not a good man, he tried to kill his son after all." Vanitas voice was a little deeper. "Why would you try to stop me? Why do you want me so badly to be capture?"

That surprised Noé about why he killed Jean Chastel. Vanitas stared at Noé, he was watching his every move.

After a few seconds Noé looked at him with hate in his eyes. "Because my lover has the exact same color eyes as you. If you don't get taken in right away then he'll probably be the one that gets taken in just because of his eyes." Noé explained to the Blue Moon Aka Vanitas.

Vanitas stayed silent, he was surprised by this. He didn't know that Noé would go this far just for him to make sure he's not accused even though he is actually the Blue Moon.

This made Vanitas clutched his fist but looks at Noé sadly. 'You idiot...if you're not going to let me go then I have no choice.'  Vanitas thought to himself.


Another shot was heard "Urgh!!!!" Noé was in pain as he slid to the ground. He was shot in the leg, Vanitas felt a feeling he never felt...he was feeling guilty.

Vanitas bit his lower lip as he grabbed his stuff and left immediately before Noé forces himself up. "Don't go!" Noé yelled as he saw the figure glance at him the light blue piercing eyes.

Noé eyes widen as he felt like he knew those eyes. Before Noé could say anything, the criminal known as Blue Moon completed his job and was able to escape.

"Hey! What's going on here!"

A cop was running towards Noé then Noé looked to the ground. "The Blue Moon came and killed this man. Then he harmed me as well." Noé told the cop.

The alleyway was a crime scene, Noé was brought to the hospital and was asked questions especially why he was there. Noé told them that he was walking by then heard a scream so he followed it.

The cop wrote down every detail "I see. Thank you for answering our questions. Get well soon young man." The cop tells Noé with a smile as he walked out with his partner.

With that Noé was left alone in his hospital room, he sighed as he grabbed his cellphone to call Dominique.

With Vanitas

Vanitas was on a roof watching his next target, usually he'll just go and kill his target himself but he has security guards. Vanitas sighed "Today is just not my day without getting caught." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

A sniper was already in position, Vanitas watched his target. Vanitas pulled the trigger and shot the man in his head and shot his heart as well.

With that Vanitas left. The guards looked around to find who killed the man they were supposed to protect. But they couldn't find anything at all, not even any leads.

About an hour later, Vanitas finally made it home. He stood in front of a tall mirror that Amelia put in the living room.

Vanitas stared at himself "Why was Noé there?" Vanitas asked himself "And why does he care so much for me...I'm only using him to ruin that de Sade guy...right...?" Vanitas once again asked himself.

'Don't be stupid...I'm in love with him.' Vanitas thought to himself. Since realizing his feelings for the tan skin male, Vanitas has been thinking if being with Noé was right.

Vanitas continued to look at himself in the mirror "I should probably end it with Noé soon. It's the best thing to do..." Vanitas gaze down "Especially for him." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

You really are in love with him, aren't you Vani?

Vanitas eyes widen, he turned around "Luna!" Vanitas yelled but no one was there. This was normal for Vanitas to hear two certain voices in his head.

But one of the voices really makes him jump and shout out their names.

Brother really loves him father! But he might kill him too~!

This made Vanitas shake his head "I won't kill him! I won't! Shut up!" Vanitas yelled as he didn't want to hear the voices anymore.

But you shot him and slashed him didn't you Vani?

Vanitas fell to his knees grabbing his head as his eyes widen. "I didn't mean to...I didn't mean to cut him...! I only shot him so he wouldn't see me...! I LOVE HIM SO I WON'T KILL HIM!!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP."

The voices didn't say anything for a few minutes. I wonder that big brother. This made Vanitas grit his teeth then shouted "WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE! MIKHAIL! LUNA!" Vanitas yelled to himself.

Vanitas immediately got up and grabbed a pill bottle and took some medicine. After a few minutes he stopped hearing the voices then he started laughing. "Hahahaha!! Is this how I'm always going to be! Hahahaha!" Vanitas asked himself.

No one answered him "It really would be better if I end it with Noé! Hahahaha so he doesn't end up like me hahaha!!" Vanitas kept laughing like crazy.

To be continued

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