Chapter 29

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It's been a few days since the incident and it was the day Noé was going to visit his teacher. Noé was on the train waiting to arrive to his destination.

Noé was remembering those light blue piercing eyes. "Those looked like Vanitas eyes..." Noé whispered to himself. A thought occurred to Noé as he clutched his fist 'Was that Vanitas? Is he the Blue Moon...?' Noé thought to himself.

This was the one thing that Noé didn't want to think of. Even so the feeling that he was feeling wouldn't leave but he still didn't want to believe that Vanitas was a criminal.

The thoughts never left Noé but he will force himself to believe that Vanitas is a good person and not a criminal.


Noé grabbed his phone to see he got a text message from Vanitas. Noé didn't know what he should do right now 'I been ignoring Vanitas for the past few days. He must be worried.' Noé thought to himself.

Opening the message Noé started reading it "Noé when you get back from your trip we need to talk. Safe travels." That was what Vanitas sent Noé.

This made Noé nervous. He didn't know why he was feeling nervous. Was Vanitas going to tell him something that is really shocking? Is he the blue moon? Is Vanitas going to kill him if he is the Blue Moon? What did he want to talk about?

So many things kept popping up in Noé mind that he forgot about texting Vanitas back.

With Vanitas

Vanitas was looking down at his phone, no sign of any emotion in his eyes. "No reply. Should have now he must have figured it out...." Vanitas trailed off for a few minutes. "Maybe I should text or call him instead of waiting until he gets back..."

After a few minutes passed from being lost in thought, Vanitas decided to just wait till Noé gets back. 'Someone like me doesn't deserve to be happy.' Vanitas thought before going back to work.

Back To Noé

An hour passed by as Noé was finally home to where he was saved and raised by his teacher. "Welcome home Noé ." Noé turned around to see his teacher standing behind him with his kind smile.

A big smiled appeared on Noé "Teacher!" Noé happily yells out loud, it was Dominique and Louis grandfather aka teacher to Noé.

He was the one that saved Noé life and brought him to his home. Where he met Dominique and Louis, became close friends with them both.

Teacher walked up to Noé and patted his head "I'm glad your doing well. I was quite surprised to hear that you declined the offer to go aboard with Domi and your friends. I was especially surprised about you and Louis." Teacher tells Noé.

Of course Noé expected Dominique or Louis to tell their grandfather about him. Noé scratched his cheek looking a little nervous "Well a lot of things happened teacher..." Noé nervously says.

At that moment something came to Noé mind as he looked at his teacher "I like to ask you something teacher." Noé says looking at him.

His teacher sighed "Very well. First go and settle in. We can discuss whatever you want to talk about over dinner." Teacher tells Noé as he nodded.

With that settled Noé went to his old bedroom that he used to sleep in. Well not always since he and Dominique would go to Louis room to sleep with him.

Turning to the side Noé saw an old picture that Dominique took of him and Louis without them noticing. "I remember this..." Noé quietly says to himself as he stared at it.

Both of Louis and himself looked so happy when they were kids. "We were best friends then in middle school we started dating at the age of fourteen." Noé mumbles to himself.

'Ever since then we been dating and had no problems with each other...' Noé thought then an image of Vanitas appeared in his mind 'It all changed since our first encounter with Vanitas and that's when everything changed.' Noé thought once again.

Yes. Everything changed since Noé first encounter with Vanitas. If Noé could blame anyone for his break up with Louis and messing up their relationship...the one he could blame is Vanitas.

"Yet I don't want to blame him. It's not his fault at all, I know that but...everything changed."

Shaking his head Noé decided to just finish up unpacking and get to dinner. After two hours passed and it was now time for dinner.

Noé was sitting down across from his teacher "So what is it that you want to discuss Noé?" He asked Noé "I want to ask about the killer known as Blue Moon." Noé told his teacher about his encounter with the criminal.

Teacher looked at Noé and listened "I knew the Blue Moon criminal." Noé knew this since his teacher was the police chief.

But the next thing was not what Noé expected to hear "It was when I was just a regular police officer in the day. It was my day off and I just happened to meet the person in the alleyway. They were injured and I was going to call an ambulance but they didn't want me too. So I brought them to my home."

Noé was surprised but listened "When we got to my home in this one...I saw their eyes for the first time. Since I couldn't see their eye when I first saw them since they had them closed. I realize that those eyes were the exact same color as the ones in the report. They told me that they were the Blue Moon and I could just call the cops." Teacher trailed off.

Then he continued "But I didn't, instead I took care of them until they got better. We became friends and they stopped doing crimes yet the police still couldn't find them. I didn't say anything because I wanted them to change. So the Blue Moon you met isn't my friend he must be someone else that took the name." He told Noé.

Something bugged Noé "But he had those blue piercing eyes! And why do you keep saying them and they and their. Was it a woman or man you met." Noé asked his teacher.

"Blue didn't have piercing eyes instead they had gentle eyes. Shocking right especially since they were a killer. Also Blue didn't have a gender, they said they were neither female nor male. They didn't have a name either."

This surprised Noé "So it was someone else." Noé says as his teacher nodded "Thank you for answering my questions Teacher." He thanked his teacher.

Teacher looked at the time "I'm sorry Noé but I need to go and head to the station to look into something." He tells Noé.

Noé smiled "It's alright Teacher." He stopped at the doorway "Blue did tell me that they were special able to give someone a mark. Its a sign that your in Blue's family, that's what they told me." With that Noé was left alone in the dinning room. He sighed as he was left with thoughts that he didn't want to think of.

To be continued

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