Start from the beginning

Zeliker laid his body on the only wooden bed in the room. The rest have their bed laid down on the floor by the maids.

“From here, we will reach Karno Town first then a city before reaching the main city where the palace is. We will arrive in three days if nothing is going on then.” Gizelis told them.

“I see. This would be our first time reaching deeper into the human kingdom, isn’t it, Zeliker?” Silvert turned to Zeliker with a small smile.

“... I want to walk around.” Zeliker sat up and looked outside the window.

“Then, shall we have a walk?” Silvert asked.

Zeliker stood up and disappeared in front of them.

“Ah… Are you guys going for a walk or a run?” Nish stares at Silvert.

“Maybe a run…” Silvert then vanishes too.

Gizelis and Nish looked at each other and shrugged. They’ve been to Lagos City many times. Since they were tasked to protect Xcerox, they can’t go anywhere. After putting their stuff in, they went into Xcerox’s room.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

Zeliker and Silvert were on top of the wall and no guard noticed them because Silvert had put his dimensional wall around them again. They were seeing the sunset from there.

Zeliker's eyes did not blink while watching the sun slowly go down. Silvert quietly stays beside him. He knows it was Zeliker's first time seeing the sunset peacefully. The sun could not be seen clearly in the demon kingdom and when in war, there’s no time to appreciate its beauty. After the sky turns dark, stars can be seen twinkling above them.

Zeliker took a deep breath before letting it go slowly.



“If there’s no war, our kingdom should be like this, right?”

“Yes…” Silvert gently stares at his prince. “Do you wish for such a world, Zeliker?”

I do…

Zeliker didn’t answer but Silvert knew it.

“Let’s go back. I’m famished.” Zeliker turned to his back to look toward the Drick Kingdom area.

Just a little more things to do before he can finally find his answers to the questions that he had told Silvert and Gizelis before. The war reasons, the history and his weakness to human blood.

He must find it!

This was the only reason that he was willing to be in this human kingdom. The answer couldn’t be found in the entire demon kingdom because he had searched all the royal libraries there when he came to visit the other demon kingdoms. Only the royal libraries could hold many books.

As for the human Kingdoms… He had never reached it so he should be able to find it. Well, he hopes so…

When he and Silvert wanted to leave and return to their room, they were startled by a shout coming from the residential area. Some shadows were running in many directions after breaking a home. Smash of window glass could be heard by them.

Zeliker and Silvert looked at each other. Thief?

“Human guards should be able to arrest them, Zeliker,” Silvert said.

He didn’t want Zeliker to be involved in these people's problems and reveal his identity. It may cause chaos because he was a demon prince. Zeliker didn’t answer. He knows. So, he went back to their room with Silvert. Gizelis and Nish were not there. They sensed them were staying with Xcerox. A moment later, a knock sounded on their door.

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