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I didn’t stop eating my wifes perfect pink pussy until she grabbed my hair with weak fingers, and said no more. Her body like liquid as she lay back on the bed, deep crimson hair wild around her on the sheets. Smiling like the cat who ate all the cream, I lifted Ash up and tucked us both into the sheets, her curled in my arms as I reclined looking at the mirrors on the ceiling and the hilarious tent the pole between my legs had made.

I didn’t want anything more. Watching her cum over and over, finding the perfect way to play her body, to bring her pleasure. Fuck it had been more than enough. I went to sleep, perfectly content. Hearing Ash’s small snores, and feeling the unmistakable wetness of her drooling in her sleep. I liked having even her drool on me. I might not be a shifter anymore, but the more of her all over me the better I thought at this point. We were each others and I wanted everyone who even looked at us to know it. 

We awoke the next morning and did it all again, dressed in clothes I would have never worn, walked the strip, Ash played casino games, won cash and took us shopping. Something she had never done but wanted to experience. Frezia and Ash both very much enjoyed jewelry stores, and buying real jewels that were theirs. 

The urge for a dragon to covet and hoard became apparent quickly. Apparently this was different, because she earned these ones. They were hers. “We’ve been banned from four casinos in two days because they think you are cheating.” I pointed out the flaw in her logic. She was using magic one way or another.

“Mind reading isn’t magic, that’s just a different gift, just one most pure blood dragons got. Even some shifter dragons can do it.” Then she had to explain that she wasn’t cheating, she just joined tables where other people were counting cards for her, and when the table was hot she would join. Plus her chaos magic just wanted her to win some VLT games. She had a weird sense of morality, she had tried to put some kind of honor code on herself. 

“My mom used to tell me she wanted nothing more in this world than for me to be kind and to be happy.” I blurted out of nowhere. The words poured from my lips before my brain had a chance to react. “I think she would have really liked you.” I told her, in the middle of a loud casino as someone won a jackpot, confetti fell from the ceiling, and I kissed her in the middle of the celebration for someone else. But the way I felt, it could have been all for me to match my heart.

“Gloria would have loved to see the show with us.” Ash put her hand on my chest, over where the tattoos in memory of all I had loved and lost. “I know it could never be, but when I think of you and her, I’m never mad. Never jealous. Frezia thinks we could have all been together if the world had of been different. That if she wasn’t also mine, then I would feel deep jealousy someone else had known your body.” She was pressed up against me, and then I saw it. The world that could have been, Gloria and I on a road trip. Drawn to the same path I had taken at the same time. Frezia sensing us, knowing it was almost time and lighting our way. Ash would have helped and watched just as she did. But she would have learned more of love in a more visceral way as Gloria and Rhys made love in front of her. Were tender with each other. She dreamed of not separating them, but joining.

I blinked back a tear, not wanting to cry in the middle of a casino. “It would have been beautiful.” 

“I’m glad I get to know her through your memories.” Ash smiled and poured her body against mine, wrapping her arms tight around me. “I love you.” She said into my chest.

“Not nearly as much as I love you Ash.” My fairy princess.

“Not a fairy or a princess” she continued to protest.

We explored museums, and shows, saw movies on every screen option possible just so Ash could try them all in a single day. We went roller skating, ice skating. She found the wax museums to be the most off putting and refused to say anything more on the subject. It really wasn’t fair that I couldn’t read minds. 

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