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Delia revealed everything she had been hiding, only Laurel looked like she wasn't surprised as Delia explained how her family was one of the early immigrants to the new dimension and this world. Tasked with working to find the balance needed in this world, and protecting those who were sent here for safety.

Her family were monster hunters, peace makers, and guardians of some kind of magical crystal that kept this world separated from the other dimensions, kept everything where it was supposed to be. Her family now believed that Laurel was their Star Child, a prophecy of someone who would either break all the known worlds or restore the balance of good.

Laurel's eyes narrowed as she looked at Josephine. "You made me think I was a monster and dangerous." The normally sweet Laurel had some venom in her words as she looked at the cranky older lady who didn't even bat an eyelash at Laurel's words.

"Hindsight is 20/20." She shrugged unbothered. Damon walked into the room, going directly to Laurel and sitting beside her as everyone made room. He did not look at Josephine and I had a feeling he was a particular non-fan of Josephine.

"What does this mean for us?" Raven asked, her beta looking more than nervous now. Poor guy, he was the only one I related to, we were both in way over our heads.

"You are right where you belong" Ash whispered, cuddling deeper into my lap. Since she woke up after they had pulled the Banshee from her, she had been pressed up against me or on my lap. Thankfully in a room full of other shifters and supernaturals, the PDA didn't phase anyone.

"We have no fucking idea" Josephine said, reclining on her chair. "The crystal has been pulsing. We have no idea what that means. The old rules are broken and failing. Our prophecies stopped with the Dawn Child, when the world would either break or be reborn. We're still here..." Josephine trailed off, getting up and heading to the bar hidden in the corner, pouring a whiskey neat before smoothly tossing the amber liquid down her throat without even a shudder from the alcohol burn.

"We're still here," Delia took over where her Aunt had left for a drink, "Without a playbook. Raven I think you need to organize with other packs, get everyone possible combing their libraries for anything mystical, books of prophecies, ancient history, anything."

Raven nodded her head, "Team research. Anything else?" She asked, getting up, and signalling her beta to follow her.

"Be ready for anything." Delia said, her lips in a straight line, worry wrinkles in her young forehead making their existence known. Raven dipped her head again towards Delia, before looking at the thor look a like. "You need to train more Alexander, stop playing carpenter." Alexander I learned his name finally, looked even more handsome when his cheeks tinged pink from his sisters words. I felt Ash in my head and knew she caught me looking at Melody's mate like he was a buffet. I felt a warm little feeling creep over to me. Apparently Ash enjoyed me looking at the impossibly large and fit blond man.

Delia turned to Josephine next."You and Marisol need to head back to Fae, someone needs to check on the corruption zone there, and the endless sea. Hyacinth needs set guards to keep watch there again, we also need access to their histories, whatever ones are left."

"Would be easier if the dragon's hadn't purged their records, but we'll see what we can do." Josephine said. She made a face at Ash, like it was her fault the people who had locked her in a frozen castle had destroyed their books and histories. I could feel Josephine's dislike as she looked at us.

"Keep your fucking throughts about my mate to yourself." Ash hissed at Josephine, sharp teeth growing from her gums as her eyes went dark and claws started to emerge on her hands, catching my skin before she realized what she was doing.

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